日本財団 図書館

I mentioned that mothers need to be educated and to know about the health and h ygiene. It is relevant that If the economic premises are improved, and the util lzation of the clean water is increased, then the mothers' education level will also be increased. Therefore the knowledge and education of the mothers plays a very Important role in keeping and im-proving thc healthy status of the famil y members, including the infants.
This is thc issue of the finance. In Thailand the GDP Ievel, the revenue or the income lcvel is closely related to the level of the infectious diseases. Howev er, in Korea, Singa-pore. Hong Kong and Japan, the relatlonship between the inc ome level and the infectious diseases is not so closely or directly related. As has been shown In the prcvlous data, In thcse countries chronic diseases such as the cerebral-vascular diseases, cancer, or heart diseasc serve as the major causes of the hospitalization, rather than the infectious dis-cases.
Lct me take a look at the situation of Japan (see Table 7). These are the ten m ajor causcs of death in Japan. The first is the malignant neoplasm (cancer), wh ich is quite remarkably high, followed by heart disease, diseases mainly due to blood vessels of the heart, and cerebral-vascular diseases. The fourth reason is pneumonia and bronchitis. As mentioned carlier, aging population is the reas on behind high ranking of these infectious diseases. However, number one, two a nd three are chronic diseases, rather than infectious diseases.
These are the National Drinking Water Regulations given by the Japanese Ministr y of Health and Welfare, which is closely relevant to the WHO's recomrnendation s (see Table 8). These five items, in fact, are relevant to health situatlons. The first contamlnant con-cerns infectious diseases, the bacteria; the second i s relevant to the inorganic chemicals and hcavy metals; the third contaminants are the solvents and other chemical contaml-nants involving the chemicals; the fourth contaminants are the by-products of the chlorine reaction; the fifth are the agricultural chemicals. These are the five categorics of contami-nants rel evant to the regulations on the Japanese national drinking water.





