日本財団 図書館




木村みさか 岡山寧子 奥野直* 正埜信孝** 橘康生**

Effects of exercise or sports activities on equilibrium function in the elderly

Misaka KJMURA, Yasuko OKAYAMA, Tadashi OKUNO* Nobutaka SHONO** and Yasuo TACHIBANA**


To evaluate the effects of exercise or sports once a week for about 2 hours at a time (actual duration of activities 1-1.5 hours) on the equilibrium function in aged individuals, the results of a battery of fitness tests were compared between 231 sports club members who had exercised regularly for half a year to 3 years and 25 participants of an 8-week sports dass.
1. Among sports club members, significant differences were observed in the results of fitness tests according to the type of exercise they practiced. The results of one-leg balancing with closed eyes were significantly better in those who practiced taijiquan (including qigong) or ballroom dancing, and the results of vertical jump were significantly better in those wbo practiced ball games (badminton, table tennis, and tennis) or ballroom dancing.
2. Among sports class participants, significant improvements were observed in the results of stepping and breatb holding compared with values obtained before the 8-week sports class, but no significant difference was observed in relation to exercise types.
3. Among sports club members, the results of one-leg balancing with open eyes and closed eyes were significantly correlated with those of other fitness tests, and the results of all tests were better than the reference values.
These findings suggest that exercise that mobilizes diverse elements of fitness is desirable to prevent a decline in the equilibrium function in aged individuals and that regularly practicing taijiquan or ballroom dancing is especially effective for this purpose.
(Rep. Res. cent. Phys. Ed. 25 111-119, 1997)
京都府立医科大学医療技術短期大学部 College of Medical Technology,Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine*神戸女子短期大学 Kobe Women's Junior College **京都教育大学 Kyoto University of Education




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