日本財団 図書館


体育科学 25:45−51、1997



田中宏暁 木下藤寿 本田なつき 鬼塚純一 田中守 進藤宗洋


Exercise intensity and volume during long-distance training in running clubs for junior high school girls.


Hiroaki TANAKA, Fujihisa KINOSHITA. Natsuki HONDA,Junichi ONIZUKA, Mamoru TANAKA and Munehiro SHINDO


This study investigated exercise intensity and volume during long-distance training in a running club for junior high school girls. Nine female long distance runners in junior high school and six female long distance runners in university performed a graded running exercise test on a 400 M track. Blood samples from the ear lobe were obtained at the end of each step. Blood lactate concentrations were plotted against running speed, then the lactate threshold (LT), 2 mmol/l and 4 mmol/l (OBLA), were determined by visual inspection. During physical activity at daily training,heart rates were measured continuously by a heart rate monitor. Running speed during training was calculated individually from the lap time and distance as well as
heart rate responses. One week total running distances and durations in junior high school girls was shorter than that in university students, but estimated total running distances and durations above the LT in junior high school girls was about two times longer than that in university students. These data suggested that physical training in junior high school girls were more intensive than that in university students.
(Rep. Res. cent. Phys. Ed. 25 45-51, 1997)




福岡大学運動生理 Laboratory of Exercise Physiology,Department of Physical Education,Fukuoka University




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