日本財団 図書館

添付資料 1
  ISO/TC 8/SC 1 N 138
1. Opening of the meeting (09:00) 1. Ouveature de la runion (09:00)
2. Roll call of delegates 2. Appel des dlgus
3. Adoption of the agenda 3. Adoption de l'ordre du jour
Doc. ISO/TC 8/SC 1 N 138  
4. Appointment of the drafting committee 4. Dsignation du comit de rdaction
5. Report of the Secretariat 5. Rapport du secrtariat
5.1 Status of an items of the programme of work and acticn to be taken 5.1 Statut de toute question inscrite au programme de travail et suite donner
6. Report of the working groups 6. Rapport des groupes de travail
7. Discussion of committee drafts 7. Discussion sur les projets de comit
8. Development of draft standards 8. Dveloppement de prejets de normes
8.1 Position-indicating lights for life-saving appliances - Testing. inspection, and marking of production units  
8.2 Thermal protective aids  
8.3 Survival equipment for survival craft and rescue boats  
8.4 Pyrotechnic life-saving appliances - Testing, inspection, and marking of production units  
8.5 Amendment of ISO 7061 (Aluminium shore gangways for seagoing vessels)  
8.6 Shipboard fire-fighters' outfits (protective clothing; gloves, boots, and helmet)  
8.7 Breathing apparatus for ships  
8.8 Design, location, and use of shipboard signs for fire protection, life-saving appliances, and means of escape  
9. Items for future work 9. Questions pour les travaux futurs
9.1 Performance testing and approval standards for fire safety systems  
10. Requirements concerning a subsequent meeting 10. Conditions requises pour la prochaine runion
11. Any other business 11. Divers
12. Approval of resolutions 12. Approbation des rsolutions
13. Closure of the meeting 13. Clture de la runion
