日本財団 図書館



1 補助・助成事集

1) 情報収集・案件形成事業

2) 専門家派遣事業

3) 要人招聘・研修・国際協力人材養成事業

4) 開発途上国の都市公共交通整備支援事業


2 受託事業

1) 総合物流体系整備協力調査

2) 運輸経済協力フォローアップ調査

3) エコ・トランスポート協力支援事業

4) 運輸分野援助方針策定調査

5) 都市公共交通コロキウウム

6) 民営化・民活導入支援調査


3 自主事業(基金事業)

1) 運輸国際協力データベース整備事業

2) 開発途上国計画部門機能整備支援・連携事業

3) 開発途上国における人材養成・訓練センター整備支援調査

4) 開発途上国の運輸部門国際協力に関するセミナー開催事業

5) 国際機関との連携・交流事業

6) セミナー及び共同研修用ソフト制作事業

7) 広報活動事業




1 The Activities Subsidized by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Government of Japan (MLIT) and The Nippon Faundation (N.F.)

1) Formation and promotion of projects (MLIT)

2) Dispatch of experts (MLIT)

3) Invitation of high ranking government officials / Training of technical staffs / Training of personnel for international cooperation (MLIT)

4) Assistance to development of Urban Public Transportation in developing countries (N.F.)


2 The Activities Entrusted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT) or Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

1) Survey to help improvement of a comprehensive distribution system

2) Follow-up Study for Economical Cooperation on Transport Infrastructure

3) Assistance and cooperation for eco-transport

4) Survey for formation of aid policy in the transport field

5) Colloquium on urban public transport (JICA group training)

6) Supporting Measures for Private Sector Participation in Transport Infrastructure Development


3 The Activities by the Transport Cooperation Research Institute Fund Of JTCA

1) Preparation of the database for international cooperation in the transport field

2) Assistance and cooperation to improve project planning ability in developing countries

3) Study of Assistance to the Development of Human Resourse Education and Training Centers in developing Countries

4) Seminar on international cooperation in the transport sector

5) Exchange and Cooperation with International Assistance Oranigation

6) Preparation of materials for seminar or joint training in programs

7) Public Relations




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