日本財団 図書館





The YMCA Foreign Community Supporting Committee (FCSC) was established in 1958 to provide financial and moral support for YMCA activities across the country. Serving as Honorary Chairmen, ambassadors work together with a regular committee of members of the international business community to help mobilize support from international and Japanese companies. In addition to the Challenged Children Project, the FCSC also supports YMCA youth programs in leadership development and international exchange.





Since 1966, Okinawa YMCA's Amembo Camp has provided children with cerebral palsy are a rare chance to appreciate and enjoy nature and camp activities such as handicrafts and campfires.




YMCA(Young Men's Christian Association)は、1844年に産業革命下のロンドンで働く青年たちの会として発足した青少年育成団体で、現在では、世界120の国と地域で約3000万人の会員が活動に参加しています。すべての人々の全人的な成長を願い、ボランティア活動や国際的なプログラム、ウエルネス活動、学校等、生涯学習の場を、青少年から高齢者まで幅広く提供しています。


Since its beginnings as a Bible study group for young men in London in 1844, the YMCA has grown into a worldwide organization supporting the development of old and young alike, with 30,000,000 members in 120 countries. Through programs that build healthy spirits, minds, and bodies for all, the YMCAs of Japan organize volunteer and international programs, schools and other community educational programs, and wellness centers.




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