日本財団 図書館

海洋調査技術 (Journal of the Japan Society for Marine Surveys and Technology)

11(2) p.1〜10 September 1999



永田 豊**、岩田 静夫**、鈴木 亨**、小熊 幸子**、吉村 智一***、竹内 淳一+、三宅 武治++


Errors in Oceanic Data-set Often Generated in Data Processing and Data Management─I.Case of the Wakayama Research Center of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries─*

Yutaka Nagata**, Shizuo Iwata** Toru Suzuki**, Sachiko Oguma**,Tomoichi Yoshimura ,***Junichi Takeuchi+ and Takeharu Miyake++



In quality control procedures in oceanic data centers such as JODC (Japan Oceanographic Data Center) and MIRC (Marine Information Research Center), it is impossible to correct archived data without consulting data originators even when erroneous or extraordinary data are found. It is very hard to send all of such data back to the originators. When the data having unbelievable values are found, they would not be eliminated, but some error flags would be attached to them. However, the ultimate purpose of the data management agencies is to collect accurate and correct data as much as possible. We have tried to find error sources in procedure of data processing and data management, in order to improve quality of the data flowing into JODC. In this paper, the results obtained in the analysis on the dataset originating from the Wakayama Research Center of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries are reported. Most of the errors are found in the typing or punching processes. Most of the mistakes of this kind can be easily found by using a quality-control (QO software designed by MIRC. It was found that the data quality of the Wakayama Research Center of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries was considerably improved after 1971.


1. はじめに

データ・情報は全ての研究・事業の基礎を与えるものであるが、一方において全てのデータセットには不可避的に誤ったデータが含まれている。日本海洋データセンター(Japan Oceanographic Data Center:JODC)に集積されている海洋データももちろん例外ではあり得ない。





Marine Infomation Research Center, Japan Hydrographic Assciation


Pasco Cooperation


Wakayama Research Center of Agriculture, Foresry and Fisheres


Japan Oceanographick Data Center




前ページ   目次へ   次ページ

