日本財団 図書館

This explains my pleasure at having been able to participate in the institution of official relations with the WHO.

In fact, it is evident that our Federation must open up and that we need to forge alliances, whilst retaining our own identity, with other organisations working in our area of activity.

This is my understanding of the events of these recent years.

Allow me, by way of conclusion, and since I will not be amongst you at future working sessions and general assemblies, to pass on some rather more personal reflections that I did not wish to share with you during my mandate. This is because I believe that the President of the Federation is President of everyone. The President should not use his mandate to impose his ideas or those of his Member-Association.

ILEP is unique among organisations of its kind in that it consists of very different Members. Not only is it important to respect these differences, but to transcend them too. In the realm of co-ordination we should not restrict ourselves to certain clearly defined regions or projects in order to avoid friction. We should strive for true co-ordination, that is complementary and transparent co-ordination.

Respect for the autonomy of each Member-Association is the basic principle of any Federation and, provided it is not adhered to to such a degree that this paralyses the Federation or harms its international credibility, is beneficial to all Members.

The evolution of the last few years has tended towards increased professionalism in development aid. This professionalism is evidence of quality. However, it is appropriate that the drop in the number of voluntary workers at the heart of the management structures does not distance society in its entirety from its concern for development aid. The general public must not merely be willing to donate. It must remain active.

Equally, the arrival of management performance tools such as information technology, quality auditing and progress in scientific or pharmaceutical research must not let us mask or lose sight of ideals or even utopia, which constitute the true driving forces of evolution.

By drawing inspiration from, and reminding ourselves of the dedication of people of the stature of Father Damien, Raoul Follereau, Wellesley Bailey and Father Carlos Ferris the world of today will prepare tomorrow's world.

I would like to thank each one of you for your collaboration, your receptiveness and for being there.





