日本財団 図書館

6. Referral and Support Services: CBR will be successful provided diversified individual needs are met covering physical, medical and rehabilitative areas (but should avoid excessive institutional care) through Referral and Support Services.

7. Discriminatory Legislation: All discriminatory legislation must be repealed in countries/states where it exists. Appropriate terminology in relation to people affected with leprosy must be developed with their full consent.

8. Multi-Sectorial Approach: Comprehensive rehabilitation with socio-economic emphasis is possible with involvement of relevant ministries of governments along with support of U.N. agencies and NGOs. The political commitment at government level is imperative.

9. Non-Governmental Agencies: Non-governmental agencies, both at international (e.g., ILEP/ILU) and national levels (leprosy and non-leprosy) are critical in years ahead for their commitment and available resources in promoting rehabilitation. They need to strengthen their activities by acquiring well-trained rehabilitation experts and co-ordinating at field/central levels.

10. Research: Ongoing research to find new effective and efficient rehabilitation methods, social aspect research, and market research can make significant improvements for the future.


C.S. Walter, The Leprosy Mission India, New Delhi, INDIA





