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Annex 6 - Action Items
Action Items - IALA Secretariat
1. The Secretariat was asked to express the best wishes of the AIS Committee to Mr. B. Pettersson.・・・3
2. The Secretariat was asked to follow up on the request for information from IEC as per AIS14 Action Items 3, 4, 5 and 9.・・・5
3. The Secretariat was asked to follow up on the AIS 14 output paper on AIS Installation and data entry issues (AIS14/output/05).・・・5
4. The Secretariat was asked to inform IEC WG8A and IEC WG14 regarding the deadlines for revisions to ITU-R M.1371 to ensure that submission of new material on Class B AIS stations, Fixed AIS stations and AtoN AIS stations are incorporated into the draft revision of ITU-R M.1371-1.・・・6
5. The Secretariat was asked to bring the intended intersessional TWG meeting to deal with revisions to ITU-R M.1371-1 to the attention of the Council.・・・6
6. The Secretariat was asked to forward AIS input paperAIS15/7/4 - AIS BAS - to AIS 16.・・・7
7. The Secretariat was asked to forward AIS15/TWG/WP03 - FATDMA issues - to AIS 16.・・・7
8. The Secretariat is requested to forward IALA AIS Guidelines, Vol.1, Part I (Operational Issues) (AIS15/output/03) Ed. 1.3 to Council for approval.・・・8
9. The Secretariat is requested to forward Chapter 4, IALA NAVGUIDE (AIS15/output/01) to the ANM Committee.・・・8
10. The Secretariat was asked to forward the paper on Short Safety Related Messages (AIS15/output/02) to the IALA Council for approval and then, as appropriate, to IHO, to form the basis of a joint IALA/IHO submission to IMO NAV 51 (June 2005).・・・8
11. The Secretariat was asked to forward the output paper (AIS15/output/04) to Council for information.・・・9
12. The Secretariat was requested to brief the ITU Secretariat on the suggestion for MMSIs for AtoNs as per AIS15/output/05, and copy the briefing to appropriate national representatives at ITU.・・・9
13. The Secretariat was requested to provide feedback to the Committee on the status of the submission regarding GNSS concerns in AIS.・・・9
14. The Secretariat was also requested to draw this to the attention of the Council concerns over GNSS in AIS and request guidance on the process to bring this to the attention of IMO.・・・9
Action Items - AIS Committee Members
15. The Chair of the TWG was asked to organise an intersessional meeting of the TWG in April 2005 to draft the revision of ITU-R M.1371-1.・・・7
16. The Chair of the TWG was asked provide an input paper on capacity to AIS 16 for further discussion.・・・7
17. D. Pietraszewski was asked to provide an input paper on capacity to AIS16 for further discussion.・・・7
18. M. Alimchandani was asked to chair an intersessional e-mail correspondence group to define the issue of the inconsistencies between IMO and ITU documentation regarding Binary Messages and provide an input paper for AIS16.・・・8
19. Members were asked to provide input on the concerns over the definition and implementation of Binary Messages for AIS16.・・・11
20. Members were asked to provide input on the possible inclusion of message 14 in IALA A-126 for AIS16.・・・11
Annex 7 - Revised AIS Work Programme
Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) Committee
Work Programme 2002 - 2006 as Revised during AIS15
Task Estimated No. of sessions Comments
1. Prepare operational requirements and associated templates for binary messages in response to operational requirements.
4-5 Inventory prepared as per NAV48 request. Will continue to monitor IMO situation with regards to IAIs
2. Develop a process for adopting and publishing updates to the International Application Identifier Branch of Annex 5, ITU-R. M.1371-1 (Ref: ITU-R, M.1371-1 Recommendation 3).
2-3 As above
3. Co-ordinate revisions to ITU-R M1371-1 (ITU-R M.1371-1, Recommendation 4), including any clarification for submission to the ITU.
2-3 Edition 1.3 completed at AIS11.
Edition 1.4 completed at AIS 13.
Intersessional TWG to finalize input for ITU
4. Maintain and revise as necessary the AIS Guidelines document in co-operation with other Working Groups. Publish the 2nd edition of the AIS guidelines during this work period.
4-5 Part 1, Volumes I and II completed and approved by Council, Session 31, Dec. 2002.
Part 1, Vol I revised Dec 2003 as edition 1.2; Revised Dec. 2004 as edition 1.3
Vol I and II revised Dec 2004 as edition 1.3
5. Co-ordinate requirements and prepare appropriate proposals for submission by National Authorities to ITU regarding frequency spectrum issues on AIS frequencies. (Ref: Resolution 80, WRC 2000); (Ref: WRC 2007 Agenda item 2.14 revision of Appendix S18)
2-3 Will be discussed further as input is received.
6. Prepare for submission to IMO a report relating to the onboard display and the management of shore-ship information
3-4 Will be discussed further at subsequent sessions.
7. Prepare recommendations on AIS Shore-based networks and interface specifications in close co-operation with the VTS Committee.
5-6 Edition 1.0 completed at AIS11 and forwarded to VTS17 for comments. Edition 1.1 finalized at AIS13 to forward to Council. Liaison with IEC on appropriate sections.
8. Prepare recommendations on AIS as an AtoN in close co-operation with the VTS Committee.
3-4 Edition 1.0 completed at AIS13 and forwarded to Council.
Monitoring Items
M1 Monitor the Progress of technical definition of Class B mobile stations at IEC
Continuous Rapporteur see note 2
M2 Monitor the Progress of the Fixed AIS Stations and AtoN AIS work of IEC WG14.
Deferred Items
D1 Consider problems that may arise in the development and operation of shipborne AIS systems and develop recommendations or guidelines for the mitigation of these problems and draft submissions to appropriate international organisations.
Defer This is an IMO function - unless IALA has specifically been invited by IMO to do it.
AIS Committee Revised Work Plan
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 Session 7
Task 1 X X X X X
Task 2 X X X
Task 3 X X X X
Task 4 X X X X X X
Task 5 Pending Input X X X
Task 6 X X X
Task 7 X X X X X X
Task 8 X X
Item to be Monitored
M1 Monitor - Report by Rapporteur at each Session
M2 Monitor - Report by Rapporteur at each Sessioin
Item deferred
D1 Deferred - pending clarification on whether IMO has requested IALA to undertake the work
 Highlighted areas represent changes identified during AIS15.

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