日本財団 図書館

Tomb (46)
 It contains 2 individuals nos. (33-56) and (33-56A).
・Skeleton (33-56)
 It is an almost complete skeleton belonging to an infant about 12 months old. The bones found are: * Skull:
- Sphenoid bone: the body is united with the lesser wings and the right greater wing only.
- Temporal bone: the squamous and petrous parts are united, the tympanic ring is incomplete and the mastoid process is rudimentary.
- Frontal bone: the metopic suture is not completely dosed.
- Maxilla: has the central and lateral incisors erupted.
* Mandible: the 2 halves are united at the symphysis menti. The central incisors are erupted while the lateral incisors are just erupting.
* Upper limb bones (table 7):
- Scapula (right and left), clavicle (right and left), humerus (right and left), radius and ulna (fight and left).
- Hand bones: some metacarpals and phalanges.
* Lower limb bones (table 8):
- Innominate bones: ilium (right and left), ischium (right and left) and pubis (right and left).
- Femur (right and left), tibia and fibula (right and left).
- Foot bones: right talus, metatarsals and phalanges.
* Ribs: some right and left ribs.
* Vertebrae: neural arches are united posteriorly at the spines but the centra are separate.
・Skeleton (33-56 A)
 Incomplete skeleton of an infant aged 6 months. The available bones are:
* Skull: separate basilar part of occipital bone.
* Mandible: separate left half, no erupted teeth.
* Upper limb bones (table 7):
- Left scapula, right clavicle, left humerus and left ulna.
* Lower limb bones (table 8):
- Right ilium and right femur.
* Right first rib.
* Vertebrae: 25 separate halves of neural arches.
Tomb (47)
 This tomb contains 1 individual no. (36-59).
・Skeleton (36-59)
 It is an almost complete skeleton of an infant aged about 8 months. The available bones are:
* Skull:
- Sphenoid bone: the presphenoid and lesser wings are united.
- Temporal bone: the petrous and squamous parts are united, and the mastoid processes are rudimentary.
- Occipital bone: all its parts are separate.
- Maxilla: its 2 halves are separate with erupted central incisors.
* Mandible: 2 halves separate, central incisors are erupted while the lateral incisors are erupting.
* Upper limb bones (table 7):
- Scapula (right and left), clavicle (right and left), humerus (right and left), radius and ulna (right and left).
* Lower limb bones (table 8):
- Innominate bones: separate ilium (right and left), ischium (right and left), pubis (right and left).
- Femur (right and left), tibia and fibula (right and left).
- Foot bones: calcaneus (right and left), talus (right and left).
* Ribs: all are present.
* Vertebrae: separate centra and the neural arches are in halves.
Tomb (48)
 This tomb contains 3 individuals nos. (37-60 A), (37-60 B) and (37-60 C).
・Skeleton (37-60 A)
 Incomplete skeleton belonging to an adult male aged 40 years. The available bones are:
* Skull (table 2) and mandible (table 3).
* Thyroid cartilage is partly ossified.
* Upper limb bones (table 4):
- Scapula (right and left), clavicle (right and left), humerus (right and left).
-Hand bones: 6 carpals and 1 metacarpal.
* Lower limb bones (table 6):
- Tibia and fibula (right and left) and left patella.
- Foot bones: tarsal bones of both sides, metatarsals (8), phalanges (12).
* Sternum: separate manubrium and broken body.
* Ribs: almost all are present but most of them are fragmented.
* Vertebrae:
- Cervical vertebrae: all are present except the 2nd vertebra.
- Thoracic vertebrae: all are present.
- A part of 1 lumbar vertebra.
・Skeleton (37-60 B)
 It consists of few bones belonging to a subadult individual aged 10-15 years. The bones present have no fused epiphyses, they are:
* Lower limb bones:
- Broken ischium.
- Foot bones: right talus and 4 phalanges.
* Vertebrae: 1 thoracic vertebra without epiphyses.
・Skeleton (37-60 C)
 Consists of very few bones belonging to a newly born infant. The available bones are:
* Part of a zygomatic bone.
* One piece of sternum (sternebra).
* Vertebrae: 4 separate halves of neural arches.
Tomb (49)
 This tomb contains 1 individual no. (38-61).
・Skeleton (38-61)
 This skeleton is almost complete and belongs to an infant under 6 months of age. The available bones are:
* Skull bones:
- Sphenoid bone: presphenoid is united with lesser wings and one greater wing.
- Temporal bone: petrous and squamous parts are united, annular ring is incomplete.
- Occipital bone: its 4 parts are separate.
- Maxilla: its 2 halves are separate with no erupted teeth.
* Mandible: separate halves, no erupted teeth.
* Upper limb bones (table 7): bones of both sides are present.
* Lower limb bones (table 8): bones of both sides are present.
* Vertebrae: separate centra, united neural arches and some separate halves.
Tomb (50)
 This is a pangrave containing 14 individuals nos. (43), (43-66), (43-84 A), (43-84 B), (68 A), (68 B), (68 C), (70 A), (70 B), (70 C), (70 D), (71 A), (71 B), (71 C). In addition, there is a large number of mixed bones.
・Skeleton (43)
 It is an incomplete skeleton belonging to an infant aged 2 years. The available bones are:
* Skull bones:
- Parietal bone: its outer surface shows vascular grooves and foramina radiating from the parietal eminence.
- Part of the orbital roof showing cribra orbitalia.
* Mandible: 2 halves are united at the symphysis menti, all milk teeth are erupted.
* Upper limb bones (table 7): only right and left clavicles.
* Lower limb bones (table 8):
- Innominate bones: ischium (right and left), pubis (right and left).
- Femur (right and left), tibia and fibula (right and left).
・Skeleton (43-66)
 There are few broken bones which belong to a young adult female aged 30 years. These bones are:
* Fragmented skull and broken mandible (table 3).
* Hyoid bone.
* Upper limb bones: all bones are broken and incomplete.
* Lower limb bones (tables 5, 6): most of them are broken.
- Foot bones: calcaneus (right and left), talus (right and left), cuboid (right and left).
* Ribs: all are present but most of them are incomplete.
* Vertebrae:
- All cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae are present.
- Sacrum.
・Skeleton (43-84 A)
 The bones are markedly fragmented and belong to an old adult male over 60 years of age. The available bones are:
* Fragmented skull and broken mandible.
* Upper limb bones: broken.
- Clavicle (right and left): the right clavicle shows a healed fracture at its medial end with irregular callus (pl. 1-1).
* Lower limb bones: broken.
* Fragmented ribs.
* Vertebrae:
- Cervical vertebrae: all are present and most of them show osteophytes.
- Lumbar vertebrae: all are present and have markedly compressed bodies.
・Skeleton (43-84 B)
 It belongs to a subadult female aged about 16 years. The available bones are:
* Skull (table 2): the spheno-occipital junction is open.
* Mandible (table 3): the teeth show a slight degree of enamel hypoplasia.
* Upper limb bones (table 4): broken.
* Lower limb bones (table 6): fragmented.
* Fragmented ribs.
* Vertebrae: all cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae are present.
- The 5th lumbar vertebra shows spina bifida (pl. 1-2).
・Skeleton (68 A)
 This individual consists of few bones belonging to an adult male over 40 years. The available bones are:
* Lower limb bones (tables 5, 6):
- Femur (right and broken left), tibia and fibula (right and left), patella (right and left).
- Foot bones: calcaneus (right and left), left talus, 4 metatarsals and 2 phalanges.
・Skeleton (68 B)
 This skeleton is almost complete and belongs to an infant of an age between 8 and 12 months. The bones found are:
* Broken mandible.
* Upper limb bones (table 7):
- Humerus (right and left), radius and ulna (right and left).
* Lower limb bones (table 8):
- Innominate bones: ilium (right and left), ischium (right and left), pubis (right and left).
- Right femur, tibia and fibula (right and left).
* Ribs: all are present.
* Vertebrae:
- Cervical vertebrae: neural arches are in halves.
- Thoracic and lumbar vertebrae: neural arches fused posteriorly.
- Centra of vertebrae are separate.
・Skeleton (68 C)
 This is an incomplete skeleton belonging to an infant under 6 months of age. The available bones are:
* Mandible: 1 half with no erupted teeth.
* Upper limb bones (table 7):
- Humerus (right and left), radius and ulna (right and left).
* Lower limb bones (table 8):
- Innominate bones: ischium (right and left), pubis (right and left).
- Femur (right and left), tibia (right and left).
* Vertebrae: all centra are separate while all neural arches are in halves.
