日本財団 図書館

 First epidemiological survey of parasitic diseases in Central African Republique have been done in 1975, and after the first visit, parasitological surveys were done once or twice per year until now. The survey in this year was executed on December of 2003 with 3 members of Tsuji, Shimoda & Nakamura, after the discussion with Dr. Yaya who is our counterpart in Bangui. There were very big political trouble in Central African Republique (RCA) from the end of October of 2002 just after back our mission of last year, and the President of this country have been changed on last March. In the beginning, we have plan to go to RCA on August of rainy season, however the civil war were still continued at that time, and Japanese Embassy in Bangui of RCA was closed on the end of October 2003. Then we had close contact with Dr. Yaya by telephone, and our mission was executed on December after the civil war were almost suppressed and became quiet. The new cabinet members of government was decided on 13 of December just one day before our arrival. There were some trouble around the Capital Bangui City, then surveys of examination and treatment have been done at the Kella・Sergent Village in Bouar Area of Savanna Zone mainly and also M'Banza in M'Baiki Area of Jungle Zone as usual. A total of 127 inhabitants at Kella・Sergent Village were examined for 3 days, and total of 60 inhabitants at M'Banza Village were examined within one day.
 Before go to RCA, Tsuji visit to European Commission Office (EC) and Japanese Embassy in Brussels and World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva for the discussion of the break-down of the political situation and health condition of RCA. And Tsuji again visit to WHO for the report and discussion of our results after finished the survey.
 Dr. Nally Nestor who is new Minister of Health, the executive members of Ministry of Health and all the inhabitants of the village were delighted, and demand the continuation on the cooperation of our project in the future.
Chief: Moriyasu TSUJI (Visiting Professor, Kyorin University)
Member: Kenji SHIMODA (Professor, Kawasaki College of Allied Health Professions)
Member: Mitsuru NAKAMURA (Senior Technical Staff, Hiroshima Prefectural Office)
December 10 (Wed) Tsuji; Lv. 21:50 from Narita Airport by AF273.
11 (Thu) Ar. 04:40 in Paris CDG Airport. Lv. 09:25 from Paris Nord Station by TGV9319 Ar. 10:50 in Brussels. Visit to Japanese Embassy, 11:40-15:00 discussion with Mr. Tominaga (Secretary of Japanese Embassy in Brussels) who is the former secretary of Japanese Embassy in Bangui and Ms. Ito (Japanese Culture Center in Brussels) about the present situation of RCA and telephone to Mr. Mizumoto who is the secretary of Yaounde Embassy. 16:00-17:00 visit to EC office, and discussion with Dr. Sund and Dr. Todo on the problems of RCA Health project. EC have the interest on AIDS, TB and Malaria only, unfortunately.
Shimoda & Nakamura; Lv. 12:50 from Kansai Airport by AF291 Ar. 17:45 in Paris CDG Airport, and stay in Hotel Donjon Vincennes.
12 (Fri) Tsuji; Lv. 07:46 Brusells by TGV 9912 Ar. 09:03 Paris CDG Station. Flight was 1.30 hours delay, Lv. 13:30 Paris CDG Airport by AF2042 Ar. 14:40 Geneva Airport. Visit to TDR, WHO, 15:00-17:15 discussion with Dr. Chitsulo and telephone to Dr. Yaya in Bangui from WHO office. Flight was 2.00 hours delay again, Lv. 20:30 Geneva Airport by AF2343 Ar. 21:40 Paris CDG Airport. Arrive 23:15 to Hotel, and meet with Shimoda & Nakamura.
13 (Sat) Tsuji; 11:00 Visit to Madame Nagel, and discussion about the Situation between France and African countries. Shimoda, Ishida; Visit in Paris City. 19:20; Back to Hotel, and depart to CDG Airport from Hotel by Taxi on 20:40, arrived Airport at 21:15, and purchase of new Malaria drugs at the Airport Pharmacy after check-in. Lv. 23:56 by AF884 from CDG to Bangui.
14 (Sun) Ar. 09:36 in Bangui Airport after 1.30 hours mechanical repairing for plane trouble at N'jamena. Dr. Yaya and Dr. Kobangue are waiting at the Airport. 10:45; Arrive Hotel Somba. 12:30-14:30 Preliminary meeting for the survey and visit to Dr. Yaya's house and his office in hospital for pick up the examination materials. Luch with Dr. Yaya. Preparation for the surveys in the afternoon.
15 (Mon) 08:00; Visit to Bank for the changing money. 10:00; Visit to the Ministry of Health, and received "List of new cabinet members" and "Ordre de Mission" for going to rural areas. 12:00-13:00; Courtesy Visit to Dr. Nally Nestor (Minister of Public Health and Population).
Shopping for preparation to surveys in the afternoon.
16 (Tue) 07:40; Departure from Hotel in Bangui with a guard soldier. Arrived to Hotel Maigaro in Bouar at 17:12 after 20 pass through checkpoint. Visit to General Hospital in Bouar and Kella・Sergent village for the preliminary discussion for the surveys. Electricity was work in 18:00-22:00, but no water in Bouar Ciry.
17 (Wed) 07:30; Visit to General Hospital and arrangement with Mr. Choupa (Head official of General Hospital) and Vice Medical Chief, and pick up technicians. And 08:00-08:30; Courtesy Visit to Mr. Petrokoni-Zeze (Governor of Nana-Mambere Bouar). 08:30 Lv. Bouar, Ar. 09:00 Kella・Sergent village. 09:15-14:30; Exami-Nation of 127 cases. Back to Hotel at 14:50 and take a lunch. 15:30; Ar. Hospital. 15:35-19:20; Stool examination and treatment of all materials. During examination, 17:30-18:20; Tsuji go to Village for the treatment of egg positive cases. 19:30; Back to Hotel.
18 (Thu) Leave from Hotel at 08:00, visit to Bank for the changing money. 08:50; Lv. Bouar, 17:50; Ar. Hotel Somba in Bangui after 20 pass through checkpoint. Preparation of Baggage at the Hotel.
19 (Fri) 08:40; Visit to Ministry of Health, and meet with Mr. Tikango (Secretary-General, Ministry of Public Health and Population) for the presentation of microscope. 09:40 Lv. Bangui, 11:20; Ar. M'Banza villege. 11:23-15:40; Examination of 60 cases with stool examination of Direct Thick Smear method and treatment of all materials, and gave the drugs for the treatment of positive cases to infirmer. Lv. 15:50 M'Banza villege, 17:42; Ar. Hotel in Bangui. Preparation of Baggage at Hotel until midnight.
20 (Sat) 08:20; Lv. Hotel, 08:30-09:30; Bring the early check in baggage for countermeasure against high-jack to the Air France Office in Bangui. 10:00; Look on Japanese Embassy and Residence of Ambassador. 13:00; Payment of Rent-a-car, preparation and package of medical materials. 17:00; Visit to Ministry of Health for the donation materials and drugs. 18:30-19:30; Visit to house of Dr. Yaya, and stock the several baggage of examination materials for next time. 20:00-21:15; Thanks diner with Dr. Yaya.
21 (Sun) 07:30; Leave from Hotel with Dr. Yaya, 08:00; Arrived Airport. Meet with Mr. Matsuura (Secretary, Japanese Embassy in Yaounde) at the Airport, and change the information on the RCA situation.
10:00; Embarkation on the flight. 11:33; Lv. Bangui Airport by AF884. 18:15; Ar. Paris CDG Airport. Check in the Airport Hotel at 19:30.
22 (Mon) Tsuji 1000; Lv. Paris CDG Airport by AF1842, 11:10; Ar. Geneva Airport. 11:40-15:00; Visit to Dr. Endoh and Dr. Berquist in WHO, and report the results of RCA surveys and discussion about the future works .
17:30; Lv. Geneva Airport by AF2443, 18:40; Ar. Paris CDG Airport. 20:00; Ar. Hotel Donjon Vincennes.
Shimoda & Nakamura 13:57; Lv. Paris CDG Airport by AF292 to Kansai Airport of Japan.
23 (Tue) Shimoda & Nakamura 09:25; Ar. Kansai Airport.
Tsuji 13:30; Lv. Paris CDG Airport by AF292.
24 (Wed) 09:25; Ar. Kansai Airport. Telephone from the Kansai Airport to the Sasakawa Health Memorial Foundation on the safety arrival.
Dr. Nestor Mamadou NALLY
(Ministre de la Santé Publique et de la Population)
Mr. Mathieu TIKANGO
(Secrétaire Général du Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population)
(Inspecteur des Services de Santé)
Mr. Dominique LANDRO
(Conseiller de Mission le Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population)
Dr. Bernard BOUA
(Directeur, Régional de Région Sanitaire No 1 du Ministère de la Santé Publique)
Dr. George YAYA
(Chef de Service du Ophthalmologie, Central Hôpital Général de Bangui et Professeur de la FACSS, de l'Université de Bangui)
(Chef de Service du Dermatologie, Central Hôpital Général de Bangui et Maitre de la FACSS, de 1'Université de Bangui)
(Préfet de la NANA-MAMBERE, Bouar)
(Gestionaire de la Préfecture Sanitaire de Bouar, NANA-MAMBERE)
Mr. Jean SAYO
(Mayer de la Herman, NANA-MAMBERE)
(Président du Comité d'Villageous de Santé M'Banza /Babili; Comité Lesse)
Dr. Lana SUND
(Development Director-General, Principal Administrator)
Dr. Charles TODO
(Development Director-General, Human and Development Unit)
Mr. Tohru MATSUURA (Secretary)
(Ancien Délégation aux Affaires Internationales, Ministère de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur)
(Assistant Director-General, External Relations and Converning Bodies)
Dr. Hiroyoshi ENDOH
(Director, Communicable Diseases Control, Prevention and Eradication)
(Schistosomiasis & Intestinal Parasites Unit, PVC/CPE)
(Parasitic Diseases and Vector Control, Communicable Diseases Control, Prevention and Eradication)
Mr. Jyunsei TOMINAGA (Secretary)
Ms. Yuriko ITO (Japanese Culture Center)
 Cabinet members of RCA were changed on 13 of December just before our arrival in Bangui, and the list of all Ministers has received from Ministry of Public Health by official.
 In this occasion, this list shall describe for reference on this report as follows;
Monsieur le Excellence, Général de Division François BOZIZE
Professeur Abel GOUMBA (Ancien Recteur de l'Université de Bangui)
Monsieur Louis PAPENIAH
・ Président de la République, Chef de l'Etat, Ministre de la Défense nationale, de la Restruction de l'Armée : Général de Division Francois BOZIZE
1. Ministre d'Etat Chargé du Plan, de l'Economie, des Finances, du Budget et de la Coopération Internationale : Monsieur Jean Pierre LEBOUDER
2. Ministre d'Etat Chargé de l'Education Nationale, de l'Alphabétisation, de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche : Monsieur Abdou Karim MECKASSOUA
3. Ministre de la Communication, de la Réconciliation Nationale, de la Culture Démocratique et Civique : Lieutenant Colonel Parfait MBAY
4. Ministre des Affaires Etrangères, de l'Intégration Régionale et de la Francophonie : Monsieur Charles Hervé WENEZOUI
5. Ministre de la Justice, des Droits de l'Homme et de la Bonne Gouvernance : Madame Hyacinthe WODOBODE
6. Ministre de l'Intérieur Chargé de l'Administration du Territoire : Monsieur Marcel MALONGA
7. Ministre de l'Energie, des Mines et de l'Hydraulique : Commandant Sylvain NDOUTINGAI
8. Ministre de la Modernisation et du Développement de l'Agriculture : Monsieur Daniel Emery DEDE
9. Ministre du Développement de l'Elevage : Monsieur Denis KOSSI BELLA
10. Ministre de la Santé Publique et de la Population : Professeur Nestor Mamadou NALLY
11. Ministre de l'Equipement et des Transports : Monsieur M'Pokomandji SONNY
12. Ministre de la Famille, des Affaires Sociales et de la Solidarité Nationale : Madame Léa DOUMTA
13. Ministre du Commerce, de l'Industrie et de la Promotion du Secteur Privé : Monsieur AMOUDOU Aimé
14. Ministre des Eaux Forêts, Chasses Pêches : Lieutenant Colonel Michel SALLE
15. Ministre de l'Environnement du Développement Durable et de l'Economie Social : Monsieur Joseph KITIKI KOUAMBA
16. Ministre de la Fonction Publique, du Travail, de la Sécurité et de l'Insertion professionnelle : Monsieur Jacques BOTI
17. Ministre de la Reconstruction des Edifices Publics, de l'Urbanisme et du Logement : Monsieur Abraham NGOTO BOULOUM
18. Ministre des Postes et Télécommunications, chargé des Nouvelles Technologie : Monsieur Idriss SALAO
19. Ministre chargé du Développement du Tourisme et de l'Artisant : Monsieur Bruno DACKO
20. Ministre de la Jeunesse, des Sports, des Arts et de la Culture : Monsieur Guy KOLINGBA
21. Ministre Chargé du Secrétariat Général du Gouvernement et des Relations avec le Conseil National de Transition : Monsieur ZARAMBAUD Assingambi
22. Ministre Déléguè auprès du Ministre d'Etat chargé du Plan, de l'Economie, des Finances, du Budget et de la Coopération Internationale : Monsieur Daniel NDITIFEI BOYSEMBE
23. Ministre Délégue auprès du Ministre chargé du Plan, de l'Economie, des Finances, du Budget et de la Coopération Internationale, Chargé des Finances et du Budget : Colonel MARBOUA MOHAMED MAHDI
24. Ministre Déléguè auprès du Ministre d'Etat, à l'Education Nationale Chargè de l'Enseignement Primaire et Secondaire : Monsieur NATALO Etienne
25. Ministre Déléguè auprès du Ministre de l'Intérieur, Chargé de la Sécurité Publique et du Désarmement : Colonel Jules OUANDE.
26. Ministre Déléguè auprès du Ministre des Affaires Etrangères, de l'Intégration Régionale et de la Francophonie : Monsieur Guy MOSKIT
27. Ministre Déléguè auprès du Ministre de l'Equipement et des Transports Chargé de la Promotion de l'Aviation Civile : Monsieur Désiré PENDEMO
