2.3 System
Ship-handling Simulator is categolysed to;
(1) Full Mission Simulator (FMS),
(2) Part Task Simulator,
(3) Limited Task Simulator and
(4) Single Task Simulator
by STCW'95 convention, and usually FMS is used to be applied for the training and/or research of BTM and restricted maneuvering.
FMS consists of;
(1) Visual system,
(2) Bridge Mockup,
(3) Sound System and
(4) Computer System.
Here we discuss Visual system for FMS and Visual System consists of Large Projection System, Bridge Mockup, Mounted device and computing system.
2.3.1 Large Projection System
Typical Projection System consists of projectors and screen.
The performances of visual system are;
(1) Horizontal Field of View (FOV), Vertical FOV,
(2) resolution,
(3) brightness and dynamic range,
but in a case of MME system the performances such as residual lighten are important. The performances in fixed system such as the brightness on the screen are affected by the position of eyepoints because of the performance of screen illustrated in Fig.5 and Fig.6.
Fig.5 Characteristics of Screen Reflection
Fig.6 Reflection Angle on the Screen
2.3.2 Bridge Mockup
Bridge mockup consists of Navigational Instruments such as compass, RADAR-ARPA, Autopilot, etc. and Engine-console, and the space of bridge is very large so width is more than 20 meters including two wings. FMS should have the wings according to docking or navigating in restricted water, but it should be required very large space as to be same as real one and the parallax will be caused by the large space.
MME system will resolve the parallax, but the necessity of large space still remains even using MME system. According to this reason, we propose the new idea that image shall be generated using the pseudo-position system, and one of examples is illustrated in Fig.7.
Fig.7 Concept of Pseudo-Position System