Following our meeting with the Honourable Prime Minister Batholomew Ulufa'alu, and with the cooperation of Mr Basiara, Principal Marine Surveyor, Isabel Development Company and the Office of the European Union, a listing of actual costings was developed for submission to the National Government
The preparation of these figures were made bearing in mind the following factors:
As highlighted earlier in this report the successful establishment of a shipping company in our local conditions is highly dependant on the injection of capital from sources such as the National Government. Avaiki Shipping Company Limited was recently established and is without any capital to purchase a ship or establish a successful operations base. As discussed following and also in Attachment three, we are also embarking on a service route which has been proven to be uncommercial and any capital injection must take into account the loss making nature in providing a necessary service to the people of Rennell/Bellona.
The costings follow generally accepted accounting principles which allow for initial expenditures to be capitalised as setup or formation costs. It also follows an exhaustive costings exercise of the delivery and purchase cost of the identified shipping vessel which have been included as Attachment Two. The operational shortfall for operating uncommercial routes will impact the sustainability of our operations unless due recognition is given to both the short and long term capital requirements and the need for assistance from the National Government.
One of the key items identified by an European Commission report on the Solomon Islands Shipping and Marine Sector study is the existance of a number of shipping routes mainly to Outer Islands, which are likely to be commercially non-viable for a long time and there is a case for providing subsidised services on these routes on social, political and possibly, strategic grounds. As Avaiki Shipping Company Limited will not be subject to the high financing cost assuming ship purchase funds have been secured, and the target vessel is comparatively modern compared to the National Shipping fleet ages, the total subsidy will be the most cost effective from the Governments point of view. Avaiki Shipping Company Limited may also consider operating in other proven uncommercial routes if such a scheme were implemented which will assist the National Government in National Planning issues.
The costings have identified the operational loss excluding charter trips which would not form part of either income or expenses for the Rennell/Bellona route. To ensure principles of transparency and accountability and to check overall integrity of our decision support systems, it is recommended that progress audits are undertaken by an approved auditor culminating in the statutory audit at year end. The audit findings would form part of the management reporting and will be critical in assessing the adequacy of existing levels of support and the effectiveness of operational strategy.
As disclosed in the following attachments, there is a need to secure additional funds to ensure that operations are sustainable and capable of generating sufficient cash flow to ensure company remains solvent and a going concern. A review of the breakdown of the application for further funds highlights costs necessary to effectively implement this plan and to be self sustaining within target of twelve to eighteen months (taking into account the discussions on the unprofitable sector.)
Applications for additional funds were also submitted by other Provinces to assist in their successful establishment and were approved. An example is the Western Province where similar circumstances were encountered and they were offered an additional grant to assist with the setup of their shipping operations. Avaiki Shipping Company Limited is confronted with more dire circumstances than other Provinces including a confirmed uncommercial primary route, worsening costs including the cost of the ship, due to expected foreign exchange movements4 leading to inflated prices, and no capital.
Perhaps the critical success factor is the securement of funding under these conditions which will single-handedly determine the viability of the Company.
Source: Basiara Report
1 Distance covered by the vogage from Japan to the Solomon Islands 1,480.00 miles
2 Ship cruising speed 12.00 knots
3 Estimated days of the vogage 13 days
4 Fuel consumption per day 2,400.00 ltrs
5 Fuel Oil consumed in 13 days 31,000.00 ltrs
6 Reserve fuel oil to be carried onboard 6,000.00 ltrs
7 Price of fuel oil per litre 1.77
8 Total cost of lubricants for 13 day trip
Four 205 ltr Lub Oil drums 9192.4
One 20 litre Hydraulic Oil 200.62
One 2.5 kg grease 65.56 9,458.58
9 Life saving appliances
SOLAS fife jacket -ocean going - six units 4680
Inflatable Life rafts SOLAS Pack A - 25 persons 36000 40,680.00
10 Navigational equipment/electronics
One set ICOM M700 PRD HF/SSB Transceiver kit 12316
One parallel ruler (24 inches) 125
One divider (8 inches) 85
One set admiralty chart (Japan to SI) 2500 15,026.00
11 Pyrotechnics
Six hand flares @ 180e 1080
Six distress rockets @ 340e 2040
Two smoke signals 690 3,810.00
12 Fire fighting equipment
Three 9ltr Foam @ 819e 2457
Two 4.5kgs DP @ 646e 1292 3,749.00
13 Drinking Water 25,000ltrs bulk 33.00
14 Delivery crew expense
Number of crew 6 Persons
One way airfares to Japan @ $6,000 each 36000
Crew one night at hotel @ 850 each 5100
Food and cooking utensils 6000 47,100.00
15 Total crew wages/allowances including Captain and Chief Engineer 45,000.00
16 Vessel inspection costs
Delegation including Marine surveyor 3 persons
Airfares return @ 12,000 each 36000
Transport to inspection site 6000
Hotel accommodation/meals (4 days) 10000
Allowances 4800 56,800.00
17 Vessel on Slipway fpr inspection, painting and replacement of zinc anodes 25,000.00
18 Stores/Engine spare parts/tools
Machinery parts 100000
Bosun stores 50000
Two units 45kg LPG 500 150,500.00
19 Operational setup costs to meet outer island class vessel requirements
200 person life raft capacity 252000
200 life jackets 96000
One sextant 5363
One set nautical tables 250
One nautical almanac 450
Charts for SI 1500
Registration fees 2500
Survey fees 832 358,895.00
20 Subsidy as recommended by EU report is based on breakeven
projection of annual operations excluding charter income
Refer attachment two and three of plan - Amount of loss (397,411.75)
Costings for funding requirements
The following costings are prepared based on actuals and are subject to change should factors beyond our control take place. An example would be an exchange devaluation.
Costs of sourcing Vessel and bring vessels back to Solomons in state of readiness (as required by Hon. Prime Minister - refer file ref# AV/2)
Costings for delivery of vessel
Cost of vessel 405,235.00
Fuel costs 65,490.00
Lubricants 9,458.58
Life saving appliances 40,680.00
Navigational equipments/electronics 15,026.00
Pyrotechnics 3,810.00
Firefighting equipment 3,749.00
Drinking water 33.00
Delivery crew expenses 47,100.00
Crew wages and allowances 45,000.00
Vessel inspection costs 56,800.00
Dry docking expenses 25,000.00
Stores/engine spare parts/tools 150,500.00
Local operational statutory costs 358,895.00
Total cost to purchase vessel 1,226,776.58
Operational Setup costs:
CAPEX costs 526,300.00
Setup costs:
Preparation of operations manuals - land base 25,000.00
Preparation of procedures manuals - sea base 40,000.00
(including safety and handling requirements)
Initial fuel and lubricants stores 45,500.00
Progress audit (statutory audit included in expenses) 12,000.00
Consultancy fees for operational setup including hire of Interim management and initial contract payments 65,000.00
Cost of bond and rental 55,000.00
Cost of maiden vogage including opening ceremony 46,493.91
Initial insurance costs including delivery vogage 43,826.91
Administrative setup costs including stationary and travel 25,000.00
Relocation costs for key staff (rent, bond,freight and travel) 55,000.00
Brokerage rate at 5% of purchase cost 61,338.83
Subsidy for non profitable route operations (excluding amounts m setup costs) 273,584.84
Total required for operational setup and one years operations 1,274,044.49
Sources: Report by Naniseni Basiara
Report by Joel (General Manager - IDC)
Report by European Union
4 Refer discussion under Economic scan and Political/Social issues.