タカヘ(J.G. Keulemans)
プケコ(J.G. Keulcmans)
The Flightless Fashion
Birds isolated for eons do things differently
In an island paradise far away from other landmasses, the birds of New Zealand evolved unique forms and strange ways of behaving.
A remarkable number lost the power of flight. At least 39 species were flightless and others flew only weakly. Three-quarters of the flightless species are extinct.
New species and new behaviours arise from a range of factors: varying habitats, few predators or competitors, and isolation due to seaways between islands or geographical barriers such as mountain ranges.
In the absence of predators such as rats, stoats, cats, dogs and snakes, the New Zealand birds had only a few birds of prey to worry about. Flight was generally not needed as a means of escape from predators. Over time, birds as different as parrots, ducks, rails and wrens took up flightless ways. Their wing bones and flight muscles became redundant and reduced, and their pelvis and legs increased in size.
Kiwi and moa, like ratite birds elsewhere, evolved into highly successful ground-dwelling birds. They developed powerful legs for running. Many members of the rail family, including weka and takahe, also developed flightlessness. The only perching (passerine) birds in the world known to be flightless are New Zealand's extinct wrens, which scrambled about-the forest like mice.
A number of aquatic birds, notably some ducks and geese, became flightless in New Zealand. Surviving examples are the two teal species from the subantarctic Auckland Island and Campbell Islands.
What is a bird?
Birds evolved alongside dinosaurs. 'Feathered reptiles', they were sufficiently adaptable to survive the mass extinction that eliminated dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Feathers, a striking characteristic of all birds, are modified scales. They help to make flight possible. Birds fly to feed, breed or escape predators and flying requires a lot of energy - that is, food. Flight muscles can account for up to one-sixth of a bird's bodyweight. If not needed and not used, these muscles and the bones that carry them may wither quickly in an evolutionary timeframe. The extinct and living flightless birds are all thought to have had flying ancestors.
A tale of two rails
Takahe and pukeko are closely-related birds of the rail family. Takahe, much older inhabitants of New Zealand, have lost the ability to fly whereas pukeko, a fairly recent arrival, flies well even though it looks clumsy.
Weighing about 3 kg, takahe are two to three times larger than pukeko. Takahe ancestors, probably a small cosmopolitan swamphen like the pukeko, arrived several million years ago.
1948年フィヨルドランドの原野で、すでに絶滅したと考えられていた飛べないクイナの一種、タカヘ(Porphyrio hochstetteri)が再発見されました。タカヘは現在フィヨルドランドの山岳地帯を中心にわずか200羽が生き残っています。タカヘのような飛ぶことのできない鳥の存在はニュージーランドに住む鳥類のユニークな進化の道筋を示してくれます。
(フィヨルドランド:Dave Crouchley)
Large size and flightlessness - a remarkable trend
Rediscovered in 1948 in the wilds of Fiordland, the takahe Porphyrio hochstetteri is the largest of New Zealand's flightless rails. Adults weigh close to three kilograms. Only about 200 takahe survive. Most live in a mountainous region of Fiordland. Takahe are an example of the way many New Zealand birds evolved flightless forms through eons of isolation from predatory mammals and competitors.
Thirty-nine flightless species - 31 of them extinct - have been identified among the past and present birds of New Zealand. As a result of the long isolation, many birds became large, flightless and strangely behaved. Of the extinct birds, the best known are the moa, which are widely distributed in New Zealand and range from turkey size to species three metres tall.
Meet the magnificent moa
In the Southern New Zealand landscape, moa were supreme.
They occupied a wide range of habitats from coastal dunes to alpine grasslands. Moa remains have been found in mountains 2,000 metres above sea level - well above the treeline. Central Otago was home to all nine species found in the South Island. The remaining two known moa were exclusively North Island birds
The smallest moa, the North Island coastal moa Euryapteryx curtus, were only a little larger than turkeys, weighing less than 20 kg and measuring 70 to 80 cm to the top of their backs. The back of the largest species, the giant moa Dinornis giganteus, was 1.9 metres above the ground. With its head held high it topped three metres -the world's tallest bird. The largest adult birds weighed up to 250 kg.
Moa were flightless for so long they ended up with no wing bones at all - the only such birds in the world.
The various species are known from bones, eggshell fragments, a few whole eggs, some feathers and a handful of rare mummified remains with dried tissue and feathers attached.
Moa became extinct about 500 years ago. This museum is the 'last standing place' for moa in Southern New Zealand.
Behaviour and appearance
How did moa behave? Scientists and artists can but make educated guesses based on the behaviour of living ratites. Even posture is debated. Did moa normally move around with their heads up or did they adopt a stooped posture? The colour of plumage and bare skin is also subject to speculation.
No fewer than seven species of moa inhabited the Manuherikia Valley in Central Otago, reflecting the diversity of habitats available there.
*Stout-legged moa Euryapteryx geranoides, the commonest species, was a stocky inhabitant of Shrubland and open forest.
*Upland moa Megalapteryx didinus, slender, agile and perhaps the moa equivalent of a mountain goat, had unusually long toes, thought to be useful for negotiating steep rocky places or walking in snow.
*Giant moa Dinornis giganteus, was the tallest of all. It was found mainly in Shrubland and low, open forest.
*Large bush moa Dinornis novaezealandiae, about 2.4 metres tall, preferred dense bush.
*Slender moa Dinornis struthoides was found in forest from lowlands to the subalpine zone.
*Heavy-footed moa Pachyornis elephantopus, with massive legs and similar in weight to an ostrich, inhabited open Shrubland.
*Eastern moa Emeus crassus liked the drier open country.