日本財団 図書館

[1] 赤木新介外、高速商船の交通論、経済性評価、設計評価に関する一連の論文、関西造船協会誌 第228号、1997、第230号、1998、第234号、2000、等
[2] 池田良穂外、高速カーフェリーに関する一連の論文、関西造船協会誌、第232号、1999、第234号、2000、等
[3] 鷲尾祐秀(2002):高速船の位置付けと果たすべき役割、Techno Marine 第867号
[4] SR502成果報告書「高速船技術の創造的展開のための調査研究」(研究資料 No.434号)、日本造船研究協会、2002年3月
[5] 藤野正隆(1989):高速艇の波浪中性能、「高速艇と性能」シンポジウム、日本造船学会水深性能研究委員会
[6] 渡辺巌、土岐直二、伊東章雄(1994):2.5 ストリップ法による非線形船体応答シミュレーション、耐航性理論の設計への応用、運動性能委員会第11回シンポジウム、日本造船学会
[7] Lin, W. M. and Yue, D. K. P. (1990) : Numerical Solutions for Large-amplitude Ship Motions in the Time-Domain, 18th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Ann Arbor
[8] Lin, W. M., Meinhold, M. J., Salvesen, N. and Yue, D. K. P. (1994) : Large-amplitude Motions and Wave Loads for Ship Design, 20th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Santa Barbara
[9] Shin, Y.-S., Chung, J. S., Lin, W. M., Zhang, S. and Engle, A. (1997) : Dynamic Loadings for Structural Analysis of Fine Form Container Ship Based on a Non-linear Large Amplitude Motions and Loads Method, SNAME Trans., Vol.105, pp.127-154
[10] Weems K., Lin, W.-M., Zhang, S. and Treakle T. (2000) : Time Domain Prediction for Motions and Loads of Ships and Marine Structures in Large Seas Using Mixed-Singularity Formulation, 4th Osaka Colloquium on Seakeeping Performance of Ships, pp.272-280
[11] Liut, A.D., Weems, W. and Lin, W.M. (2002) : Nonlinear Green Water Effects On Ship Motions and Structural Loads, Proc. of 24th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics , Fukuoka, Japan, pp. 53-65
[12] Maskew, B. (1991) : A Nonlinear Numerical Method for Transient Wave/Hull Problems on Arbitrary Vessel, SNAME Trans., Vol.99, pp.299-318
[13] Maskew, B. (1992) : Prediction of Nonlinear Wave/Hull Interactions of Complex Vessel, 19th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Seoul
[14] Maskew, B., Tidd, D. M. and Frase, J. S. (1993) : Prediction of Nonlinear Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Complex Vessels using a Numerical Time-Domain Approach, 6th International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, Iowa City, Iowa, pp.591-609
[15] Beck, R. F., Cao, Y., and Lee, T.-H. (1993) : Fully Nonlinear Water Wave Computations using the Desingularized Method, 6th International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, Iowa City, Iowa, pp.3-20
[16] Beck, R. F., Cao, Y., Scorpio, S. M. and Schultz, W. W. (1994) : Nonlinear Ship Motion Computations using the Desingularized Method, 20th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Santa Barbara, California
[17] Scorpio, S. M., Beck, R. F. and Korsmeyer, F. T. (1996) : Nonlinear Water Wave Computations using a Multipole Accelerated Desingularized Method, 21st Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics, Trondheim
[18] Nakos, D. E., Kring, D. and Sclavounos, P. D. (1993) : Rankine Panel Methods for Transient Free-Surface Floes, 6th International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, Iowa City, Iowa, pp.613-632
[19] Kring, D., Huang, Y.-F., Sclavounos, P., Vada, T. and Braathen, A. (1996) : Nonlinear Ship Motions and Wave-Induced Loads by a Rankine Method, 21st Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics, Trondheim, Norway
[20] Adegeest, L., Braathen, A. and Vada, T. (1998) : Evaluation of Methods for Estimation of Extreme Nonlinear Ship Responses based on Numerical Simulations and Model Tests, 22nd Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics, Washington, D.C.
[21] Bunnik, T. H. J. and Hermans A. J. (1998) : Stability Analysis for the 3D Unsteady Free-Surface Condition with Raised Panels, 13th Intl. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Netherlands
[22] Bunnik, T. H. J. (1999): Seakeeping Calculations for Ships, taking into account the Non-Linear Steady Waves, Doctoral Thesis, T-U Delft
[23] Colagrossi, A. and Landrini, M. (1998) : Time Domain Analysis of Ship Motions, 1st International Conference on High Performance Marine Vehicles (HIPER99), South Africa
[24] Colagrossi, A. and Landrini, M. (1999) : Numerical and Experimental Transient Tests for Ship Seakeeping, 10th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE2000), Seattle.
[25] Iwashita, H., Nechita, M., Colagrossi, A., Landrini, M. and Bertram, V. (2000): A Critical Assessment of Potential Flow Models for Ship Seakeeping, 4th Osaka Colloquium on Seakeeping Performance of Ships, pp.37-46
[26] Tanizawa, K. (1995) : A Nonlinear Simulation method of 3-D Body Motions in Waves, Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, Vol.178, pp.179-191
[27] 白倉洋亮(2001):非粘性波浪数値水槽における非線形船体運動に関する研究、大阪大学工学部学位論文
[28] Tanizawa, K. (2001) : Development of a 3D-NWT for Simulation of Running Ship Motions in Waves, 16th Intl. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Hiroshima
[29] 片岡史朗、末吉 明、東濱 清、岩下英嗣、高木幹雄(2001):非定常波動場に及ぼす船体非線形影響に関する研究、西部造船会々報第103号、pp.123−134
[30] 片岡史朗、末吉 明、東濱 清、岩下英嗣、高木幹雄(2002):波浪中船体運動に及ぼす水面上船体形状の影響に関する研究、西部造船会々報第105号(掲載予定)
[31] 安川宏紀(2000):境界要素法による船体運動の時刻歴解析(その1:流体力の計算)、西部造船会々報第100号、pp.83-98
[32] 安川宏紀(2001):境界要素法による波浪中船体運動の時刻歴解析(その2:正面向波中での船体運動)、西部造船会々報第101号、pp.27−36
[33] 安川宏紀(2002):減速時の高速艇が造る曳き波について、西部造船会々報第103号、pp.111−121
[34] Yasukawa, H. (2002) : Application of a 3-D Time Domain Panel Method to Ship Seakeeping Problems, 24th Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics, Fukuoka
[35] Calisal, S.M. and Chan, J.L.K. (1989) : A Numerical Modeling of Ship Bow Waves, Journal of Ship Research, Vol.33, No.1, pp.21-28
[36] Wong H.L. and Calisal, S.M. (1996) : Numerical Algorithms for Slender Bodies with Vortex Shedding and Density Stratification, Journal of Ship Research, Vol.40, No.1, pp.11-21
[37] Maruo, H. and Song, W.S. (1991) : Numerical appraisal of the New Slender Ship Formulation in Steady Motion, 18th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics
[38] 丸尾 孟、宋 五生(1994):細長体近似による船首波崩れの解析、日本造船学会論文集、 第175号、pp.25−29、
[39] Maruo, H. and Song, W.S. (1994) : Nonlinear Analysis of Bow Wave Breaking and Deck Wetness of a High-Speed Ship by the Parabolic Approximation, 20th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics
[40] Tulin, M. and Wu, M. (1996) : Divergent Bow Waves, 21st Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics
[41] Fontaine, A. and Cointe, R. (1997) : A slender approach to nonlinear bow waves, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A , 355, pp.565-574
[42] Fontaine, A. and Faltinsen, O.M. (1997) : Steady flow near a wedge shaped bow waves, 12th Intl. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, France
[43] Fontaine, A. and Cordier, S. (1997) : Recent Experience Using High Speed Slender Body Theory, FAST'97, Australia
[44] Fontaine, A. and Tulin, M. (2001) : On the Prediction of Nonlinear Free-surface Flows past Slender Hulls using 2D+T Theory : The Evolution of an Idea, Schiffstechnik Bd.48, pp.56-67
[45] 足達 宏之(1993):HSSTの新しい計算法、運動性能委員会資料
[46] 足達 宏之、升也利一(1996):高速細長船近似による定常造波および非定常造波問題の計算について、第40回運動性能委員会資料、SK−40−4
[47] 柏木 正(1993):波浪中を航走する双胴船の双胴間干渉流体力の研究(その1.Radiation 問題)、日本造船学会論文集、第173号、pp.119−131
[48] 柏木 正(1993):波浪中を航走する双胴船の双胴間干渉流体力の研究(その2.波浪強制力と波浪中動揺特性)、日本造船学会論文集、第173号、pp.181−191
[49] 柏木 正(1995):前進しながら動揺する船の流体力学に関する新しい細長船理論の展開、日本造船学会論文集、第178号、pp.169−177
[50] 升也利一(2000):高速沿岸双胴漁船の開発研究 第2報:双胴間の造波干渉を考慮した2次元流体圧力の計算、水工研技報22、pp.69−100
[51] 升也利一(2001):双胴漁船に働く波浪外力の推定法について、水工研技報22、pp.1−14
[52] Ohkusu, M. and Faltinsen, O. (1991) : Prediction of Radiation Forces on a Catamaran at High Froude Number, 18th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, pp.5-19
[53] 大楠 丹, Faltinsen, O.安永 誠、稲田 勝(1991):高速双胴船の耐航性能の推定法に関する研究、日本造船学会論文集、第170号、pp.153−161
[54] Ohkusu, M. and Wen, G. (1995) : Seakeeping of a High Speed Catamaran in Oblique Seas, Trans. Of the West-Japan Society of Naval Architects, No.89, pp.55-66
[55] Faltinsen, O.and Zhao,R. (1991) : Numerical prediction of ship motions at high forward speed, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A , 334, pp.241-252
[56] Zhao, R. and Faltinsen, O. (1994) : Slamming Loads on High-Speed Vessels, 19th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics
[57] Zhao, R. and Faltinsen, O. (1995) : Numerical and Experimental Studies of Nonlinear Motions and Loads of a High-Speed Catamaran, FAST'95
[58] Zhao, R., Faltinsen, O. and Haslum, H. (1998) : A Simplified Nonlinear Analysis of a High-Speed Planing Craft in Calm Water, FAST'97, Australia
[59] 木原 一、内藤 林(1998):大振幅動揺する細長船に働く非線形流体力に関する研究 ―波浪中抵抗増加に及ぼす水面上船体形状の影響―、関西造船協会詩、第230号、pp.185−195
[60] Kihara, H., Naito, S. and Sueyoshi, M. (2000) : On the Practical Prediction Method of Added Resistance Using Nonlinear Slender Body Theory、4th Osaka Colloquium on Seakeeping Performance of Ships pp.115-129
[61] Tulin, M. and Landrini, N. (2000) : Breaking Waves in the Ocean and around Ships, 23rd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Val de Reuil, France
[62] Landrini, N., Colagrossi, M. and Tulin, M. (2001) : Breaking waves and Stern Waves, 16th Intl. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Hiroshima
[63] Andrillon, Y. and Alessandrini, B. (2002) : A 2D+T VOF Fully Coupled Formulation for Calculation of Breaking Free surface Flow, 24th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics
[64] Subramani,A.K. and Beck, R.F. (2000) : Suppression of wave breaking in nonlinear water wave computations including forward speed, 15th Intl. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Caesalia, Israel
[65] Wang, P., Yao, Y. and Tulin, M. (1995) : An Efficient Numerical Tank for Non-Linear Water Waves, Based on the Multi-Subdomain Approach with BEM, Int. Journal for Numerical Method in Fluid, Vol.20, pp.1315-1336
[66] Greco, M., Faltinsen, O.M. and Landrini, M. (2002) : Water Shipping on a Vessel in Head waves, 24th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics
[67] MSC. Nastran ユーザーガイド 基礎動解析 Version 68, MSC. Software
[68] Faltinsen, O.M. (2000) : Hydroelastic slamming, J of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 5 pp. 49-65.
[69] Korobkin, A.A.(1982) : Formulation of Penetration Problem as a Variational Inequality, Din Sploshnoi Sredy, Vol. 58, pp. 73-79
[70] Wood, D.J., Peregrine, D.H. and Bruce, T. (2000) : Study of Wave Impact against a Wall with Pressure-Impulse Theory: Part 1, Trapped air, J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engng., ASCE, Vol.126, No. 4, pp. 182-190
[71] 木下嗣基、影本 浩、藤野正隆(1997):浮体の非線形運動の数値計算法に関する研究(その1 二次元浮体の波浪中大変位運動)、日本造船学会論文集、第182号、pp.407−418
[72] 木下嗣基、影本 浩、藤野正隆(1998):浮体の非線形運動の数値計算法に関する研究(その2)、日本造船学会論文集、第184号、pp.149−158
[73] 木下嗣基、影本 浩、藤野正隆(1998):CFDの浮体運動への応用、第47回応用力学連合講演会予稿集、pp.443−444
[74] Kinoshita, T., Kagemoto, H. and Fujino, M. (1999) : A CFD Application to Wave-Induced Floating-Body Dynamics, Proc. of 7th International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics, Vol.4, pp.1-20
[75] Kinoshita, T. Miyake, R., Kagemoto, H. and Zhu, T. (2000) : CFD Computations of Ship Motions and Loads in Waves, Proc. of 4th Osaka Colloquium on Seakeeping Performance of Ships, pp.139-147
[76] Sato, Y., Miyata, H. and Sato, T. (1999) : CFD Simulation of 3-Dimensional Motion of a Ship in Waves: Application to an Advancing Ship in Regular Heading Waves, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, pp.108-116
[77] Hinatsu, M. (2000) : Numerical Simulation for Investigation of Dependency of Ship Wake on Ship Motion, Proc. of 4th Osaka Colloquium on Seakeeping Performance of Ships, pp.319-325
[78] 末吉 誠、内藤 林(2002):粒子法による2次元浮体の大振幅動揺に関する数値計算、九州大学応用力学研究所研究集会報告 13ME-S1、pp.59−64
[79] 胡 長洪、柏木 正、桃木 勉(2002):CIP法を用いた波浪・構造物衝撃現象の数値解析、第15回計算力学講演会講演論文集、pp.433−434
[80] Xing, Y., Jensen, G., Hadzic, I. and Peric, M. (2002) : An Approach to Ship Maneuvering by Simultaneous Computation of Viscous Flow and Ship Motion、Fifth Numerical Towing Tank Symposium
[81] Caponnetto, M. (2002) : Seakeeping simulation of fast hard chine vessels using RANSE, Seakeeping simulation of fast hard chine vessels using RANSE、Fifth Numerical Towing Tank Symposium
