Annex - Layout of templates for creation of graphical symbol originals
Templates used for creation of graphical symbol originals for use in safety signs shall be as specified in ? to ? and shown in Figures ? to ?.
NOTE: Examples of safety signs incorporating graphical symbols created in accordance with clauses ? and ? are given in Figure ?.
Prohibition signs
Figure ? ― Prohibition sign template
Geometric shape |
: |
A circle. |
Size |
: |
52mm diameter. |
Description |
: |
A circular band and a negation bar at 45°descending diagonally
from left to right through the centre of the circle thickness of circular band
0.1 of the sign diameter (5.2mm), thickness of cross bar 0.08 of the sign diameter
(4.2mm). |
Exclusion band |
: |
A circular band of thickness 0.033 of the sign diameter (1.7mm)
set within the inner outline of the circular band. |
Guidelines |
: |
Horizontal and vertical centre lines shown feint. |
Registration corner markings |
: |
Markings delineating a 70mm square centred on the circle. |
Mandatory signs
Figure ? ― Mandatory sign template
Geometric shape |
: |
A circle. |
Size |
: |
52mm diameter. |
Description |
: |
Circular outline |
Exclusion band |
: |
A circular band of thickness 0.077 of the circle diameter
(4mm) set within the circular outline. |
Guidelines |
: |
Horizontal and vertical centre lines shown feint. |
Registration corner markings |
: |
Markings delineating a 70mm square centred on the circle. |
Hazard signs
Figure ? ― Hazard sign template
Geometric shape |
: |
An equilateral triangle. |
Size |
: |
70mm width, 61mm height. |
Description |
: |
An equilateral triangular band, width of band 0.07 of the
sign height (4.3mm). |
Exclusion band |
: |
A triangular band of thickness 0.033 of sign height (2mm)
set within the inner outline of the triangular band. |
Guideline |
: |
Horizontal and vertical centre lines shown feint. |
Registration corner markings |
: |
Markings delineating a 70mm square centred on the triangle. |
Safe condition and fire equipment signs
Figure ? ― Safe condition and fire equipment sign templates
Geometric shape |
: |
A square. |
Size |
: |
50mm side. |
Description |
: |
Outline of a square. |
Exclusion band |
: |
A square band of thickness 0.08 of the square height (4mm)
set within the outline of the square. |
Guidelines |
: |
Horizontal and vertical centre lines shown feint. |
Registration corner markings |
: |
Markings delineating a 70mm square centred on the square. |
Figure ? ― |
Examples of safety signs incorporating graphical symbols created in accordance with Clauses ? |
The recommendations given in this annex are applicable to signs other than escape route signs. Recommendations regarding sizes of escape route signs are given in Part 3 of this Standard.
In order to decide on the minimum size of sign needed, the maximum viewing distance at which the sign is required to be conspicuous and intelligible has to be determined. The viewing distance at which a sign of a particular size is conspicuous and legible depends on the illumination of the sign. The sign height h, in millimetres (mm), needed for a particular viewing distance can be calculated from the following equation:
h = D/Z
D is the required viewing distance in millimetres (mm)
Z is a distance factor to take account of the illumination of the sign and the amount of detail it contains
Table A.1 gives sign heights (as defined in ? and illustrated in Figure ?) calculated for various maximum viewing distances in adequate (50 lux) vertical illuminance at the sign. These are based on a value of Z = 120 which takes account of the level of illumination and the need to comprehend a graphical symbol where the size of the critical detail is not less than 1/19th of the sign height. For text only signs, a value of Z = 225 should be used.
If a sign is brightly lit or is internally illuminated at all material times a smaller size than that given in Table A.1 would be acceptable.
Conversely if the sign is poorly lit or has complicated detail, a larger sign would be needed.
Table A.1 - |
Minimum sign heights recommended for different maximum viewing distances |
Maximum viewing distancea
M |
Minimum sign heightb
Mm |
Recommended letter heightc in supplementary text sign
Mm |
7 |
60 |
5 |
9 |
80 |
7 |
14 |
120 |
10 |
21 |
180 |
15 |
28 |
240 |
20 |
a Calculated using equation A.1 with Z = 120 and
rounded down to the nearest whole metre. |
b For intermediate viewing distances the next
largest available sign height should be used. |
c See ? |
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To be discussed