日本財団 図書館

4.0 Escape signs in escape stairway enclosures
4.1.0 Passenger escape stairway enclosures
4.1.1 Assembly station direction signs with arrows (or escape stair symbol) should be located at each deck close to the stairs to direct passengers to the assembly stations deck. Assembly station direction signs with arrow (or escape stair symbol) should be located at or in front of each ramp, as reasonable and applicable.
4.1.2 In case of internal assembly stations, at the embarkation deck assembly station direction signs with arrows should direct passengers to the entrance door of the assembly station.
4.1.3 In case of external assembly stations, illuminated "exit" or "emergency exit" signs should identify the exit doors to the embarkation area and/or to the external assembly stations. "Exit" signs should be used if the external embarkation area is normally used by passengers (e.g. promenade); "emergency exit" signs should be used if the embarkation areas are not. normally used by passengers (e.g. service space to be used only in case of emergency).
4.2.0 Crew escape stairway enclosures
4.2.1 "Exit" direction signs with arrows - or with arrows and escape stair symbol - should be located at each deck to direct crew to the embarkation deck; alternatively, lifeboat/liferaft signs with arrow - or with escape stair symbol - can be used in place of the above mentioned "exit" signs.
4.2.2 At the embarkation deck. "exit" signs and "lifeboat/liferafts station" signs should identify the exit doors to the embarkation areas.
5.0 Public rooms
5.1.0 Public rooms - Not Assembly station
5.1.1 Assembly station direction signs (with arrow) should be posted at exit doors leading to primary means of escape.
5.1.2 Doors leading to primary means of escape should be Identified by Illuminated "Exit" or "Emergency exit" signs, as applicable (see previous item 3.1).
5.1.3 Doors leading to secondary means of escape should be identified by photo-luminescent "Exit" or "Emergency exit" signs, as applicable (see item 3.1).
5.1.4 When public rooms are so arranged that the door/doors leading to the primary means of escape is not visible from the main portion of the room, additional signs should be installed in order to direct people to the primary means of escape. 
5.2.0 Public rooms which are assembly stations
5.2.1 Outside the public room, at the entrance door from the stairway enclosure, an illuminated "assembly station" sign with Imo pictogram and the relevant identification letter should be installed to identify the entrance to the space.
5.2.2 Doors leading to the embarkation areas, and/or to the lifeboats/liferaft stations, should be identified by illuminated "exit" or "emergency exit" signs, as applicable. Precisely, illuminated "exit" signs should be used if the external embarkation area is normally utilizable by passengers (e.g. promenade); "emergency exit" signs should be used if the embarkation areas are not normally utilizable by passengers (e.g. service space to be used only in case of emergency).
5.2.3 Lifeboat/liferaft station direction signs with arrows should be posted in the vicinity of the doors leading the embarkation areas, as applicable. The signs should indicate the relevant lifeboat/liferaft station number the exit door refers to.
6.0 Open decks
6.1 In passenger open deck spaces, the doors leading to primary means of escape normally utilizable by passengers (e.g. stairways) should be identified by photo-luminescent "exit" signs.
6.2 In passenger open deck spaces, the doors leading to primary means of escape not normally utilizable by passengers should be identified by photo-luminescent "emergency exit" signs.
6.3 In addition to the above, "assembly station" direction signs with arrows should be located in the vicinity of the door leading to the primary escape routes.
