A Predictive Monitoring Program (PMP) has been developed to protect sensitive marine environments from the impacts of construction. The primary goal of the program is to predict the environmental impacts of key pollutant-generating processes in order to trigger intervention before a measurable impact occurs. To do this, a PMP directs compliance monitoring primarily towards pollutant-generating activities, using model-derived pollutant trigger values that incorporate construction and hydrodynamic processes and known habitat tolerances. Non-compliance with these trigger values instigates immediate pre-defined management responses. To maximise protection, compliance monitoring of discharge activities is undertaken during the pre-discharge phase to allow intervention prior to discharge. For dredging activities, compliance monitoring is undertaken at the post-mixing boundary of the plume. Routine habitat condition monitoring is employed in a supporting role to validate the efficacy of the program for protecting key habitats.
The generic concept of the PMP has been implemented for two case studies to mitigate the impacts of sediment-laden water discharge and cutter-suction dredging in marine national parks. Increased sediment suspension was identified as the key pollutant generated by each construction process. Accordingly, programs were specifically developed to protect fringing coral reef and mangrove habitats from the impacts of light attenuation and sedimentation. Results indicated that the PMP was highly successful in protecting sediment-intolerant coral communities in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. This was largely due to the rapid and repetitive intervention that the program triggered. Intervention in the dredging process to protect mangrove communities in Charles Darwin National Park was not required.
Construction processes and habitat requirements
The success of the PMP can be attributed to the incorporation of important emerging philosophies in impact management within marine systems. Principal among these is the recognition that monitoring and management programs must integrate knowledge of construction processes and ecological requirements (Bach et al., 1997; Clarke & Wilbur, 2000). The PMP achieved this by integrating knowledge of habitat tolerances with hydrodynamic modelling of specific construction processes to produce pollutant trigger values that considered mixing and dispersion dynamics as well as environmental requirements. In the instance of the case study on dredging, trigger values were set at relatively high levels in consideration of substantial capacity for dispersion and the substantial sediment tolerance displayed by mangrove communities. As a result, dredge activities proceeded with a minimal requirement for intervention. In contrast, discharge of sediment-laden water in close proximity to fringing coral reef communities require substantial intervention because trigger values took into account limited dispersion characteristics and low sediment tolerances of key biota.
Rapid intervention
It was also recognized that management responses to unsustainable pollutant generation would need to be very rapid if highly sensitive habitats were to be protected. While the need for rapid response has been highlighted (Gray and Jensen, 1993; Bach et al., 1997), methods to achieve this have not proved to be as rapid as may be required. In addressing the impacts of substantial dredge works on eelgrass communities, Bach et al. (1997) implemented a feedback monitoring system that utilised physiological indicators of eelgrass condition as the trigger for management response. However, the use of biota as the trigger mechanism resulted in inherent delays in management response, due to the time required for stress to manifest itself. For eelgrass, this was expressed as an approximate two-week delay (Bach et al., 1997). The PMP addressed this problem by focusing compliance monitoring on actual pollutant-generating processes, allowing non-compliance with trigger immediate intervention. In the case of wastewater discharge adjacent to coral reefs, lag-times did not exceed one hour. This rapid response was regarded as a key element in the success of the program.
Biological monitoring
The necessity to examine biological condition is well recognized (Thomas, 1993) and is usually incorporated within an impact monitoring program (i.e., Bach et al., 1997). In such cases, the detection of measurable environmental harm is used to trigger a management response. Although not used to trigger intervention, biological monitoring remained an integral component of the PMP, being used to validate trigger values, management responses and the effectiveness of the program for protecting key habitats. Specifically, biological assessment of coral communities, when integrated with water quality monitoring, proved useful to delineate construction impacts from natural variability. Given that dredging works did not trigger management responses, assessment of mangrove communities was used to validate the relatively high trigger values adopted by this program (Table 3).
Biological monitoring also plays a substantial role in the determination of habitat tolerances. While the tolerance of coral and mangrove communities to sedimentation is relatively well understood, the need for substantial baseline and other assessments may be required to adapt this approach to other habitat types. Such baseline studies may also prove useful to delineate the natural variability in condition that may exist in many habitats. It should be recognized that habitat condition assessment may be expensive. The PMP addressed this limitation by confining condition assessment to designated key habitats only.
1. Each case study would have benefited from more intensive baseline data collection to allow accurate determination of natural variability of pollutants and key habitat condition. This would enable construction monitoring to be more targeted and efficient and would have increased the cost-effectiveness of both programs. Therefore rigorous baseline studies are recommended.
2. The effectiveness of the PMP would be enhanced by incorporation of trigger values and pre-defined management responses within development approvals prior to the commencement of construction.
3. The case studies clearly identified that the generic PMP concept can successfully be implemented to protect sensitive environments from construction related impacts. A PMP needs to be designed according to specific environmental settings and proposed construction activities.
The PMP philosophy has been developed to incorporate a preventative approach to environmental management. The two case studies presented indicate that the implementation of a PMP has been successful in mitigating construction related impacts in sensitive marine environments. Furthermore, it is suggested that PMPs are sufficiently flexible to be implemented for a variety of construction processes and over a range of habitats. Advances in modeling technology will allow improved consideration of pollutant-generating processes, near-field mixing and far-field pollutant behavior (Fryar, et al., 2002). This is likely to substantially improve the performance of the PMP. The project team intends to continue the refinement of the PMP as a tool to protect sensitive marine environments.
The authors would like to thank the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and the Northern Territory Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment for whom the programs were designed and implemented. The authors are grateful for the contributions of Andrew Chin (Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville), Peter Ridd (James Cook University, Townsville), Ross Jones (The University of Queensland, Brisbane) and Bill Venables (CSIRO, Brisbane) during the course of these works. Our appreciation goes to the staff and students of all scientific institutions who provided logistical and technical support.
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