It is our genuine pleasure to welcome you to PACON 2002 under the banner of our theme for this year's conference, "The Ocean Century". It is particularly fitting that a gathering under this name would be held in an island nation that is so closely aligned with the ocean.
PACON is unique in its charter to bring together a global marine community from nations with vested interests in the Pacific region. This fusion of academia, government agencies and industrial interests, united under a common desire to share advances in marine science and technology, generates a forum for exchange that is both exciting and profitable for everyone involved. The program for 2002 is the product of a great deal of hard work by a number of dedicated professionals and it is our expectation that you will benefit greatly by your attendance.
Challenges in food stock depletion, weather and climate prediction, environmental pollution, alternative energy, responsible resource exploitation and many others demand the utmost efforts from those of us engaged in marine science and technology. If we are to improve our lives and provide a better world for our children, it is imperative that we address these challenges, rising above our cultural and language differences in doing so. PACON 2002 provides a setting for addressing the ways and means for dealing with ocean-related issues and we encourage you to take utmost advantage of your time here to listen, to question, to challenge and to share.
This year, in addition to an abundance of excellent technical presentations, PACON is offering a forum on "Urgent Problems Facing the Asia-Pacific Regions in the 21st Century". We invite you to attend and participate in this unique multi-session program, which is geared to producing solutions to ocean-related problems of interest to industry. Increasing populations and resultant issues of food supplies, energy and environmental impacts are among the topics to be addressed.
Your active involvement in this gathering will pay back many times, as you share knowledge with your peers in this ideal venue. PACON 2002 is your opportunity to experience a wealth of useful information on the fastest growing ocean region in the world. Enjoy! Arigato!

Kenji Hotta Nihon University, Japan |

Norman Estabrook SAIC, USA |