日本財団 図書館

Discussion topics:
Pricing mechanism
Integration of supervision of community financing into overall supervision
Action Plans
(see “Cambodia Country Report,”p.25)
I. Operationalize community co-managed health centers
No. Sequence of activities to be carried out to accomplish the action stated above Resources required & costs involved Person or agency responsible Due date Indicator to measure expected outcome
1. Provision of essential drugs $13 mil. CMS All year  
2. Completion of RDF operational guidelines $30,000 Financing Task Force Dec. 1996-Jan. 1997  
3. Training of health center staff $20,000 PHD/DHD From Feb. 1997  
4. RDF implementation   HC/DHD From Feb. 1997  
Topics to be included in operational guidelines:
○ fee setting
○ payment method
○ exemptions
○ accounting and financing
○ community role in health services
○ supervision and monitoring
II. Strengthen skills of district management teams
No. Sequence of activities to be carried out to accomplish the action stated above Resources required & costs involved Person or agency responsible Due date Indicator to measure expected outcome
1. Train district management teams $15,000 PHD/MOH From Feb. 1997  
III. Strengthen community capacity for co-management
No. Sequence of activities to be carried out to accomplish the action stated above Resources required & costs involved Person or agency responsible Due date Indicator to measure expected outcome
1. Community sensitization; committee formation $10,000 MRD, SWA, PHD From Dec. 1996  
2. Train committees and health staff $10,000 SWA, PHD, DHD From Feb. 1997  
IV. Improve efficiency of drug replenishment
No. Sequence of activities to be carried out to accomplish the action stated above Resources required & costs involved Person or agency responsible Due date Indicator to measure expected outcome
1. CMS support/Logistics $70,000 CMS Jan. 1997-Dec. 1997  
2. Central/provincial senior staff development $10,000 MOH pharmacy Aug. 1997-Dec. 1997  
3. Training of district and health center pharmacy staff $40,000 MOH and PHD pharmacies, DHD Jan. 1997-Dec. 1997  
4. Sustainable supply study $20,000 MOH pharmacy and finance, CMS May-97  
V. Improve drug use
No. Sequence of activities to be carried out to accomplish the action stated above Resources required & costs involved Person or agency responsible Due date Indicator to measure expected outcome
1. Review and update treatment guidelines $40,000 MOH, DG, pharmacy Jan. 1997-Mar. 1997  
2. Prescriber in-service training $30,000 MOH, PHD, DG Jan. 1997-dec. 1997  
VI. Improve planning and monitoring
No. Sequence of activities to be carried out to accomplish the action stated above Resources required & costs involved Person or agency responsible Due date Indicator to measure expected outcome
1. Planning workshops $20,000 MOH, PHD Jan. 1996-Dec. 1997  
2. Develop monitoring indicators $10,000 MOH, PHD Jan. 1997  
3. Provincial, district supervision $40,000 MOH, PHD, DHD Jan. 1997-Dec. 1997  
4. Regional RDF study visits $15,000 MOH Apr. 1997  
VII. Enhance public awareness
No. Sequence of activities to be carried out to accomplish the action stated above Resources required & costs involved Person or agency responsible Due date Indicator to measure expected outcome
1. Community drug use surveys $20,000 MOH, pharmacies, CWDA Feb. 1997  
2. Develop consumer public education materials $30,000 MOH Apr. 1997-May 1997  
3. Drug seller training program $10,000 MOH/PHD From Mar. 1997  
Recommendations to the Essential Drugs Project
1. Continued political will for essential drugs, health reform and financing
2. Participating countries should develop operational guidelines for RDFs covering key areas to bridge policy and action
3. Increased sharing of knowledge/documents and experience between countries
4. More attention to replenishment issues (a number of countries do not seem to have documented ED supply strategies)
