付録12 EU産業閣僚理事会結果プレスリリース
14837/01 (Presse 452)
2394th Council meeting
Brussels, 4 and 5 December 2001
<extract of the press release>
The Council held an in-depth discussion on the proposal for a Regulation to establish a temporary defensive mechanism to assist the Community Shipbuilding industry.
The proposal is designed to counter unfair trade practices by the Republic of Korea in this sector for the period necessary until the conclusion of the dispute settlement proceedings which the Commission is considering initiating in parallel against Korea before the World Trade Organisation. The proposed mechanism is limited to those market segments where it has been demonstrated that the practices in question have directly harmed EU industry.
At the close of the discussion, having established that at this stage it was not able to reach a qualified majority on the Commission proposal, the Council agreed to return to this item at a forthcoming meeting.