(3) ウェグナ一極地・海洋研究財団−ヘルゴランド生物学研究所(ドイツ)
写真2-3 Helgolandへ向かう高速船乗り場(ハンブルグ港)
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Buchholz (Pelagic Ecosystems. Head of the Marine Station)
Dr. Karen Helen Wiltshire (Pelagic Ecosystems)
Dr. Cornelia Buchholz (Benthic Ecosystems)
-Research Highlights 2001
(4) 国際海洋開発委員会(デンマーク)
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
Mr. Jorgen Norrevang Jensen (Environmental Data Scientist)
写真2-4 Mr.JensenのデスクでWebサイトの説明を受ける(この時、EEAを紹介される)
-ICES Newsletter, 37
-Report of the working group on ecosystem effects of fishing activities
-2001 overview of ICES committees and subsidiary groups, their shadowing by secretariat staff, schedule of ICES meetings and list of CM codes
-ICES cooperative research report No. 241. Report of the ICES advisory committee on the marine environment, 2000
-ICES cooperative research report No. 242. Report of the ICES advisory committee on fishery management, 2000. Part 1-3
(5) 国立環境研究所−海洋生態部局(デンマーク)
Ministry of Environment and Energy-National Environmental Research Institute (NERI)-Department of Marine Ecology and Microbiology
Ph.D). Stiig Markager (Senior Scientist Aquatic Plant Ecology Bioptic)
写真2-5 NERI玄関前でMarkager博士と
-NERI Report and activities 2000-2001
-Environment of the Baltic Sea area 1994-1998
-Coastal eutrophication and the Danish national aquatic monitoring program (プレゼン資料)
-Daniel J. Conley, (2000) Biogeochemical nutrient cycles and nutrient management strategies. Hydrobiologia, 410, 87-96.
-Daniel J. Conley, Hanne Kaas, Flemming Mohlenberg, Bjarke Rasmussen, Jorgen Windolf, (2000) Characteristics of Danish Estuaries. Estuaries Vol.23-6, 820-837.
-Daniel J. Conley, Alf B. Josefson, (2001) Hypoxia, Nutrient Management and Restoration in Danish Waters. Coastal and Estuarine Studies, 425-434.
(6) ヨーロッパ環境機構(デンマーク)
European Environment Agency (EEA)
Mr. Niels Thyssen (Project Manager Inland Waters)
-European freshwater monitoring network design
-Sustainable water use in Europe. Part 1: Sectoral use of water
-Groundwater quality and quantity in Europe
-State and pressures of the marine and coastal Mediterranean environment
-Sustainable water use in Europe. Part 2: Demand management
-Directive of the European parliament and of the council 2000/60/EC establishing a framework for community action in the field of water policy
-Environment in the European Union at the turn of the century, Offprint: Coastal and marine zones
-EEA multiannual work programme l999-2003-a brief overview
-Inter-Regional Forum, Second meeting report of European marine conventions
-Integration of information on Europe's marine environment
-Marine and coastal environment annual topic update 1999
-Marinebase, Database on aggregated data for the coastline of the Mediterranean, Atlantic, North Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat and Baltic
-EUROWATERENT, The European environment agency's monitoring and information network for inland water resources technical guidelines for implementation
-Pilot implementation EUROWATHRNET-groundwater, State of groundwater in selected groundwater bodies with reference to nitrogen
-European topic center on inland waters, Annual topic update 2000
-Environmental signals 200l, European Environment Agency regular indicator report
-Developing EEA priority data flows for transitional, coastal and marine water[working document-7 September 2001]
-Development of a Core Set of Indicators-State of Play September 2001

写真2-6 Mr. ThyssenからEEAの役割を聞く
2.2 訪問先の概要
2.2.1 オランダ(8月29日〜31日)
□ 流動と物質輸送
□ 土砂堆積と物質輸送
□ 生物生態、群集生態及び生物多様性
□ 海象変化と気候変動