日本財団 図書館

Chapter I. General Provisions
(Purpose of this Law)
Article 1. The purpose of this Law is to insure democratic and efficient operation of the public administration of the local public bodies and contribute there by to the realization of the principle of local autonomy, by establishing basic standards for the personnel administration of the local public bodies, such as their personnel agencies and the appointment, position classification, compensation, work hours and other working conditions, status and disciplinary punishment, performance of duty, training and evaluation of work performance, protection of the welfare and interest, and organization, of the local public service personnel.
(Validity of this Law)
Article 2. In cases where the provisions of the formed laws and orders, or bylaws, regulations of the local public body, or rules fixed by agencies of the local public body concerning the local public service personnel (meaning all of the public service personnel of the local public bodies; the same herein-after)are in conflict with those of this Law, the latter shall prevail.
(Local Public Service Personnel in the Regular Public Service and Local Public Service Personnel in the Special Public Service)
Article 3. The local public services shall be divided into the regular public service and the special public service.
2. The local public Services shall be comprised of all positions in the local public service other than those in the special public service.
3. The special public service shall be comprised of the following positions:
  (1) Positions appointment to which requires public election, or the election, resolution or consent of the assembly of the local public body;
  (1-2) Positions of the chairmen of the board of directors, directors and auditors of the local development works corporation;
  (1-3) Positions of the general manager of the local public enterprise and the director of the union of such enterprise;
  (2) Temporary or part-time positions of commissioners or members of commission or board (including council and other bodies of a similar nature) established by laws and orders, bylaws, regulations of the local public body, or rules fixed by agencies of the local public body
  (3) Temporary or part-time positions of expert-adviser, consultant, investigators, non-regular staffs, and other positions of a similar nature;
  (4) Positions of secretaries of the heads, the chairmen of the assemblies of the local public bodies, and the heads of other agencies of the local public bodies, as designated by bylaws;
  (5) Positions of members of "Shobodan" (fire prevention corps) in part-time service and of the flood defense associations;
(Local Public Service Personnel Subject to this Law)
Article 4. The provisions of this Law shall be applied to all the local public service personnel in the regular public service (herein-after to be referred to as the " personnel").
2. The provisions of this Law shall not be applied to the local public service personnel in the special public service, except for cases specially provided for by laws.
(Enactment of Bylaws concerning the Personnel Commission, Equity Commission and the Personnel)
Article 5. The local public bodies shall provide by bylaws for the establishment of the personnel commission or equity commission, the enforcement of standards applicable to the personnel, and other necessary matters concerning the personnel in accordance with the basic standards, fixed by this Law, except for cases specially provided for by laws. However, such bylaws must not be contrary to the spirit of this law.
2. In a local public body which has the personnel commission in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 paragraph 1 or 2, the opinion of the personnel commission must be heard by the assembly of such local public body in order to enact or amend or abolish the bylaws mentioned in the preceding paragraph.
