日本財団 図書館

Technical Annex III
Best Environmental Practice (BEP)
This Technical Annex was prepared bearing in mind that, although the guidelines strictly only apply to the disposal of dredged material, Contracting Parties are encouraged also to exercise control over dredging operations.
This Technical Annex has as its aim to provide guidance to national regulatory authorities, operators of dredging vessels and port authorities on how to minimise the effects on the environment of dredging and disposal operations. Careful assessment and planning of dredging operations are necessary to minimise the impacts on marine species and habitats.
The items given as BEP under the different headings of this Technical Annex are given as examples. Their applicability will generally vary according to the particular circumstances of each operation and it is clear that different approaches may then be appropriate. More detailed information on dredging techniques and processes can be found in Guide 4 of the IADC/CEDA series on Environmental Aspects of Dredging.
Point A - Minimisation of the effects caused by the disposal of dredged material - is comprehensively described in the main body of these guidelines.
Point B 'Optimisation of the disposed quantities', Point C 'Improvement of sediment quality' and Point D 'Minimise the Impacts of Dredging' do not fall within the strict remit of the Oslo Commission, but are very relevant to the prevention of pollution of the marine environment resulting from the disposal of dredged materials. Descriptions of BEP in relation to these activities are given at Appendices I and II.
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