日本財団 図書館

I.-Primary Sources
"United States Security Strategy for the East Asia-Pacific Region," East Asian Strategy Report: 1995. Department of Defense, February 1995. [Nye Initiative or Nye Report, prepared by Dr. Joseph Nye, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs]
"United States Security Strategy for the East Asia-Pacific Region," East Asian Strategy Report: 1998. Department of Defense, November 1998. (Prepared by Dr. Kurt Campbell, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs: Asian and Pacific Affairs Bureau)http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/easr98/easr98.pdf
Quadrennial Defense Review. October 1, 2001, Office of the Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/qdr2001.pdf
Constitution of Japan. 1947. http://jin.jcic.or.jp/access/const/index.html
The Modality of the Security and Defense Capability of Japan. [Nihon no Anzen Housho to Boeiryoku no Arikata] Prime Minister's Advisory Group on Defense Issues, August 12, 1994. (Higuchi Report)
National Defense Program Outline (NDPO). [Bouei Keikaku no Taikou] Adopted by the Security Council and by the Cabinet on November 28, 1995. http://www.jda.go.jp/e/policy/f_work/taikou/index_e.htm
Mid-Term Defense Build-up Plan (FY1996-FY2000). Adopted by the Security Council and by the Cabinet on December 15, 1995. http://www.jda.go.jp/e/policy/f_work/chukibou/index_e.htm
Defense of Japan 1996. JDA Defense White Paper, 1996. (1st time China mentioned as a potential threat). http://www.jda.go.jp/e/pab/8aramasi/defcont.htm
East Asia Strategic Review. Japan Defense Agency, 1996-1997.http://www.nids.go.jp/english/east-asian/esr76-97.PDF
Diplomatic Bluebook 1997: Japan's Foreign Policy in a World of Deepening Interdependence. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1997. http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/other/bluebook/1997/index.html
Defense of Japan 1997. JDA Defense White Paper,1997. http://www.jda.go.jp/e/pab/def97e/def97ed.htm
(link to outline only)
The Interim Report On The Review Of The Guidelines For U.S.-Japan Defense Cooperation. June 7, 1997. http://www.jda.go.jp/e/policy/f_work/sisin3e.htm
East Asia Strategic Review. Japan Defense Agency 1997-1998 http://www.nids.go.jp/english/east-asian/esr97-98.pdf
Diplomatic Blue Book 1998: Japan's Diplomacy toward the 21st Century-New Developments and New Challenges Facing the International Community. Ministry of Foreign Affairs,1998. http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/other/bluebook/1998/index.html
East Asia Strategic Review. Japan Defense Agency, 1998-1999. http://www.nids.go.jp/english/east-asian/esr98-99.pdf
Challenge 2001-Japan's Foreign Policy toward the 21st Century. January 4,1999. http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/other/challenge21.html
Diplomatic Bluebook 1999: Japan's Diplomacy with Leadership Toward the New Century. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1999. http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/other/bluebook/1999/index.html
East Asia Strategic Review. Japan Defense Agency, 2000. http://www.nids.go.jp/english/east-asian/2000.PDF
Diplomatic Bluebook 2000: Toward the 21st Century--Foreign Policy for a Better Future. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2000. http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/other/bluebook/2000/index.html
Defense of Japan 2001. [Nihon no Bouei] JDA Defense White Paper 2001. http://www.jda.go.jp/e/pab/wp2001/index.html
Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security Between Japan and the United States of America. January 19,1960. http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/n-america/us/q&a/ref/1.html
US-Japan Joint Declaration on Security: Alliance for the 21st Century. April 17,1996.
Guidelines for US-Japan Defense Cooperation. [Nichibei Bouei Kyouryoku no Tameno Gaidorain]September 1997. http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/n-america/us/security/guideline2.html http://www.state.gov/www/regions/eap/japan/rpt-us-jpn_defense_970923.html
"Japan's Role in the International Society: Proposals on Security Issues," [Kokusai Shakai ni Okeru Nihon no Yakuwari: Anzen Hosho Mondai ni kan Suru Teigen] LDP, February 3,1993.
"Republican Platform 2000: Renewing America's Purpose,Together." http://www.rnc.org/gopinfo/platform
