The intent and purpose of MAIIF was originally conceived and agreed upon at a first meeting of 17 participating administrations in Hull, QC, (Ottawa), Canada, in June 1992.
The Forum is an international non-profit organisation dedicated to the advancement of maritime safety and the prevention of marine pollution through the exchange of ideas, experiences and information acquired in marine accident investigation.
Article 1 General
1.1 Name
The name of the organisation is "The MARINE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATORS INTERNATIONAL FORUM". The official abbreviation is MAIIF and the organisation will hereinafter be referred to as MAIIF.
1.2 Definition of Marine Accident
Is any marine casualty, occurrence or incident, the investigation of which will, or has the potential to, advance the objectives of MAIIF.
1.3 MAIIF Emblem
1.4 Motto
The official motto of MAIIF is: -
゛Maritime Safety through Investigation and Co-operation"
Article II Purpose and Objectives
2.1 Purpose
MAIIF is an organisation to provide a forum to promote and improve marine accident investigation and to foster co-operation and communication between marine accident investigators.
2.2 Objectives
.1 To foster develop and sustain a co-operative relationship among national marine investigators for the purpose of improving and sharing of knowledge in an international forum.
.2 To improve maritime safety and the prevention of pollution through the dissemination of information gained in the investigative process.
.3 To encourage through co-operation the development, recognition, implementation and improvement of related international instruments, where appropriate.
2.3 The International Maritime Organisation (IMO)
MAIIF pledges to support IMO's role in advancing maritime safety and pollution prevention.
2.4 Other International Organisations
MAIIF will co-operate with such other international organisations as may be approved by the membership, for the purpose of advancing MAIIF's objectives.
2.5 MAIIF Representation
No member or other person may represent MAIIF without the consent of the MAIIF Chairman or in his/her absence the First Deputy Chairman or the Second Deputy Chairman.
Article III Membership
3.1 Eligibility
Individuals of all nations shall be eligible to attend MAIIF as a member if they qualify.
3.1.1 Member
Shall be any person who is employed or appointed by an Administration or an agency of an Administration engaged in the marine accident safety investigation process.
3.1.2 Proof of Eligibility
To be eligible to be a member a person shall be required to provide documentary proof of meeting the criteria laid down in 3.1.1.
3.1.3 Honorary Membership
It shall be open to the members of MAIIF at an annual meeting to vote an existing past member as an honorary member. An honorary member may participate in MAIIF, but shall declare any conflict of interest.
3.1.4 Membership Dispute Settlement
Any membership dispute shall be settled by the Chairman, First Deputy Chairman and Second Deputy Chairman, with an appeal process by a majority vote of those attending the next meeting of members.
3.1.5 Members List
A list shall be maintained of all those persons who have applied for membership to MAIIF and who have been accepted for membership.
3.1.6 Observer
The Chairman, in consultation with the host administration, may permit any person who supports the objectives of MAIIF to attend meetings as an observer. An observer may be excluded from any portion of a meeting by majority vote.
3.1.7 Contact list
A list of senior officials in each administration, with contact information, who direct the day-to-day investigation process shall be maintained and updated as practicable and circulated to members. Such a list does not construe membership.
3.2 Eligibility for Chairman, First Deputy Chairman and Second Deputy Chairman
Any person who meets the criteria for membership.
3.3 Voting
Members shall be eligible to vote on the basis of one vote per member, with a maximum of one vote per Administration or an agency of an Administration. No single member will have more than one vote, no matter how many Administrations or an agency of Administrations he/she represents. Issues shall be decided generally by consensus, but when necessary by the members on the basis of a simple majority.
3.4 Meetings
3.4.1 Quorum
A quorum shall be deemed to be present whenever the Chairman, or a Deputy Chairman, or their designate, and at least eight other members are present.
3.4.2 Motions
Every motion made by a member from the floor requires seconding and shall be decided by consensus or a majority of votes.
3.4.3 Annual Meeting
An annual meeting shall be held at a time and place to be decided at the previous annual meeting. The venue shall be rotated as much as possible among the continents to promote financial fairness and attendance equality.
3.4.4 Host Administration
Administrations are encouraged to offer to host the meetings. The host Administration is expected to meet the cost of hosting the annual meeting, except for members' travel, hotel and daily living expenses.
3.4.5 Written-in ballot
At times other than at a meeting, the Chairman may at his/her discretion, call for a written-in ballot.
3.4.6 Member's absence
The absence of a member or a member's inability to vote for any reason shall not invalidate any issue duly voted upon.
3.4.7 Minutes
Minutes of a meeting shall be maintained and shall be subject to formal approval by those present at that meeting.
Article IV Dues
4.1 Fees
At this stage of MAIIF's development it is not intended that fees shall be charged but, rather, the Chairman's organisation absorb the nominal costs for the limited distribution of MAIIF related material.
Article V Chairman, First Deputy Chairman and Second Deputy Chairman
5.1 Chairman
Any member may be elected by secret ballot to be Chairman. The Chairman shall hold office for a period covering two annual meetings, unless he/she has to resign earlier.
Shall attend each annual meeting.
Shall be responsible for ensuring that the minutes of the annual meeting are circulated to all on the members list.
Shall be responsible for ensuring the members and contact lists are kept up to date.
Shall turn over all MAIIF records to his/her successor.
5.2 First Deputy Chairman
Any member may be elected by secret ballot to be First Deputy Chairman. The First Deputy Chairman shall hold office for a period covering two annual meetings, unless he/she has to resign earlier.
Shall attend the annual meeting.
Shall be prepared to act as Chairman in the absence of the Chairman.
In the event that the Chairman has to resign, shall be Chairman until the next annual meeting, when a new Chairman shall be elected.
5.3 Second Deputy Chairman
Any member may be elected by secret ballot to be Second Deputy Chairman.
The Second Deputy Chairman shall hold office for a period covering two annual meetings, unless he/she has to resign earlier.
Shall attend the annual meeting.
Shall be prepared to act as First Deputy Chairman in the absence of the First Deputy Chairman.
In the event that the First Deputy Chairman has to resign, shall be First Deputy Chairman until the next annual meeting, when a new First Deputy Chairman shall be elected.
5.4 Rotation of First and Second Deputy Chairman
The First Deputy Chairman and Second Deputy Chairman shall be elected at alternating annual meetings.
Article VI Amendments
6. Amendment of the Charter
Amendments to this charter may be proposed by any member at any time. Such proposals shall be submitted to the Chairman in writing who shall circulate the proposals to members for consideration at an annual meeting.
May 1994
Amended June 96
Amended August 97
Amended August 2000