日本財団 図書館

(3) Set up the extension collar for compaction;

(4) Insert the dry sample in the mould and tamp the sample in accordance with the compaction procedure described in Proctor/Fagerberg Test Procedure (5 layers, 25 droppings of hammer (350 g, 0.2 m) for each layer);

(5) Remove the extension collar for compaction;

(6) Cut off the sample along the brim of mould with straight edge and clean up outside of the mould;

(7) Weigh the mould with specimen and calculate the weight of the dry specimen, the density in bulk and the void ratio;

(8) Set the extension collar for permeation using "O ring";

(9) Set the mould in the vessel;

(10) Pour water into the vessel, not into the extension collar for water penetration;

(11) Wait until water permeate into the specimen from the bottom and appears above the specimen;

(12) Pore water into the extension collar for permeation;

(13) Wait until the water overflow from the vessel becomes almost stationary;

(14) Measure the water overflow rate from the vessel, three times; and

(15) Measure the moisture content of the specimen and calculate degree of saturation.

The step 15 may be skipped in the case that the drainage of water from the specimen is significant, in other words, that the sample is coarse material.

Size of specimen is given in Table 11.


Table 11 Size of Specimen



We controlled the period of measurement on water overflow rate and the time for starting the measurement since water starts to overflow from the vessel, depending on the permeability of the sample.

The period and the starting time for each sample are given in Table 12.


Table 12 Period and starting time for measurement





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