日本財団 図書館

FINANCIAL REVIEW (As of March 31, 2000)


Endowment, Special Funds and Related Investment Activity


In fiscal 2000, ended March 31, 2000, The Tokyo Foundation received endowments of \2,396 million from The Nippon Foundation, \498 million from the Japan Motorboat Racing Association, \50 million from the 13 companies of the Japan Boat Racing Center, and \50 million from the 19 organizers of the Federation of Prefectural Association of Motor-boat Racing. As of March 31, 2000, the total endowment amounted to \13,809 million, compared with \10,815 million a year earlier.

Special funds increased to \15,520 million, compared with \13,020 million a year earlier, owing to \2,500 million received from The Nippon Foundation.

In the fiscal year under review, The Tokyo Foundation received \2,994 million in contributions for its endowment, \2,500 million in contributions for special funds and \597 million in aid and assistance. The Tokyo Foundation recorded investment and miscellaneous income of \462 million. Income of \431 million was carried over from the previous year. Total income equaled \6,984 million.

The Tokyo Foundation registered total operating expenses of \722 million. Of this amount, the Re-search Division accounted for \263 million, the Scholarship Division for \282 million, the Public Relations Division for \130 million and operations development expenses for \47 million. Administrative expenses totaled \418 million. Transfer to endowment was \2,994 million, transfer to special funds was \2,500 million and transfer to special deposits was \55 million. Total expenditures were \6,689 million, resulting in an income/expenditure balance carried forward to next year of \295 million.


Basis of Income for Fiscal 1999-2000






