They also fully understood that the convenience of global scale ARGO floats operation to collect basic oceanographic data effectively within a relatively short period. However, they recognized the importance of in-situ observation by research vessels for precise investigation on particular phenomena of the ocean. They also recognized that some technical difficulties and legal issues lay in implementation of ARGO floats operation.
Forum participants felt that the efforts of JAMSTEC and FORSGC in investigating the effect of water density on the stability of the ARGO data profiler demonstrated that the water parameter could have a profound effect on the stability of floats at depth. They expressed concern that observed data would create a source of uncertainty at the least unless floats be improved appropriately and timely. They are also anxious about the effect of water parameters as well as other factors that may have considerable affects on the stability of the sensors, hence, the reliability of the data generated. Forum participants recommended, for the sake of rational scientific operation of ARGO floats and assuring the reliable observation, that all parties involving in the ARGO operations should consider re- examination of stability issues, and encouraged JAMSTEC and FORSGC to report publicly their results of investigation with appropriate manner and timing.
2. Implementation of ARGO Floats
Forum participants were informed that the International ARGO Science Team composed of eminent scientists over the world planned to deploy about 400 floats in the western Pacific and some of their initial deployment points were identified. Although they understood the scientific merits of the plan, taking into account national and regional interests and societal benefits to utilize such an oceanographic data, participants from island countries expressed wishes that some of floats be initially deployed near to their islands. Forum participants shared the views that operating organizations and/or institutions should obtain the official agreement from countries concerned, both countries of which EEZ floats be initially deployed and these where they might migrate in, through appropriate diplomatic channel in accordance with relevant articles of UNCLOS.