
ARGO data - Demonstration to access ARGO data -
March 8, 2001
Yasushi Takatsuki (JAMSTEC)
・Japan ARGO Delayed-mode Data Center (in preparation)
- http://w3.jamstec.go.jp: 5095/ (tentatively. It will move somewhere under http://www.jamstec.go.jp/ in future.)
- Distributing JAMSTEC/FORSGC floats data at present, and will distribute All ARGO data in future.
・Japan ARGO Real-time Data Center operated by JMA
- http://goos.kishou.go.jp/argo
- Distributing Profiling Floats data on GTS in the form of WMO international code.
- They also provide monthly mean sub-surface temperature map of the Pacific Ocean.
・Argo Information Center (AIC)
- http://argo.jcommops.org/
- Provide Float Positions, Float deployment notification, and other information related to ARGO.
・Coriolis data center operated by IFREMER (France)
・Float information in Pacific operated by SIO
・Float information operated by University of Washington
○We cannot download their data from their own home page. However, we can download some AOML/UW/SIO floats data from AOML site (ftp://ftp.aoml.noaa.gov/ARGO/pub/phy).
・ARGO home page at UCSD
Other links related to ARGO will be found at AIC or Argo home page at UCSD (http://www.argo.ucsd.edu/links.html), etc.