付録 3
3.1 ミャンマー航空局(DCA)人材育成計画の方針
Mr. Hiroya Takano
Advisor-Development Department
Japan: Transport Cooperation Association (JTCA)
Subject: Human Resources Development of DCA personnel.
1. The Department of Civil Aviation is the regulatory body controlling civil aviation activities in Myanmar, namely, Flight Operation, Airworthiness, Air Traffic Services, Aerodromes, Communications except the operation of airline services. In order to carry out the ever-challenging tasks of responsibilities, we are in need of human resources development in the following specialized field.
(a) Instructor for Air Traffic Services (Airspace Management Planning)
(b) Instructor for Airline Transport Pilot License Rating for Medium Range Jet Aircraft.
(c) Flight Inspectors (For the surveillance of Airline Operation)
(d) Airworthiness Inspectors (For the supervision of Airline maintenance organization)
(e) Airport Operation (To manage the new airports operation)
2. As we have the training school capable of conducting the Pilot License in various categories, we are in need of the training aircraft whether, multi engine piston or multi engine jet. If you can assist in this field, the capabilities of the training school will be up graded and will provide training needs in this region as well.
3. Also, we will like you to understand that the specialized field of training for Instructors/ Inspectors will be in your country and the assistance of the Japanese experts to conduct various courses to up grade our personnel is also in need. The questionnaires you provided at the meeting is also attached to this latter.
4. Yours earliest response in this matter is highly appreciate.
*TEL.: 01-665637, 01-664220 *FAX.: 01-665124 *TLX.: 21228 CIVAIR BM *AFTN: VYYYYAYX *E-mail "dca.myanmar.@mpt.mail.net.mm"