Coordination of Departments and Organizations Concerning Road Safety Measures
Now, Coordination of Departments and Organizations Concerning Road Safety Measures. The Traffic Rules Enforcement Supervisory Committee has been established since 1989 in order to supervise the current situation of Road Safety in Myanmar. This committee consists of related departments and organizations and two subcommittees, namely, Education and Legislation subcommittee and Enforcement subcommittee. Especially, following departments and organizations are mainly cooperated. The Road Transport Administration Department, Ministry of Rail Transportation Myanmar Police Force YCDC MCDC Development Affairs Department Public Works.
Yangon Division Bus Control Committee and Public Transport Organizations.
Decisions to Implement the Smooth and Safety Transportation in Yangon City Then, the Decisions to Implement the Smooth and Safety Transportation in Yangon City. Our department is responsible for road safety measures and preventive safety regurations. So our department is in deep cooperation with and give necessary advises to the Traffic Rules Enforcement Supervisory Committee which is cooperating and coordinating road safety measures with other related departments and organizations. The committee imposed the following decisions to implement smooth and safety transportation in Yangon City. To improve the road conditions and road related facilities. To operate "Shuttle Service" by City Buses on the four major roads in CBD area and to designate terminal places which connected other bus routes from suburbs. To control bus services with one unique Management Committee. To organize systematic Taxi Services. To practice school bus system. To improve public transportation by attractive circular railway systems and to be integrated with bus services system. To build Parking Ramps in CBD area. Replacement of the presently used pickup buses and prewar buses with City Buses.
To specify Grade Separation and to build over-bridges or under pass at required junctions. To consider land-use planning for Urban Road Network and Road Facilities.
ASEAN Road Transport and Road Safety Activities
So now I would like to inform you that ASEAN Road Transport and Road Safety Activities. In 1997, Myanmar has entered into ASEAN Member Countries and participated in discussion about the "Harmonization of Road Transport Laws Rules and Regulations Currently Myanmar has signed and acceded the following agreements. Agreement on the Recognition of Domestic Driving License Issued by ASEAN Countries. Agreement on the Recognition of Commercial Vehicles Inspection Certificates for Goods Vehicles and Public Services Vehicles Issued by ASEAN Member Countries. ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Goods in Transit. The Six ASEAN Transport Minister Meeting held in 5th to 9th October, 2000, this year, considered and adopted the ASEAN Road Safety Implementation Work Plan for the period of 2001 to 2004, which shall be revised from time to time. And the meeting noted that the implementation plan covers the followings. Development and Standardization of ASEAN Accident Database. Development of ASEAN Safety Program for Vulnerable Road Users Relevant to each member country. Development of ASEAN Road Safety Audit Procedures and Framework. Development of ASEAN Accident Blackspot Framework and Programs.