(2) セミナープログラム
08:30 Registration
09:00 Welcome speech by U Kyi Win, Joint Secretary of Yangon City Development Committee on behalf of Mayor
09:15 Greeting Speech by Mr. Shigeru Tsumori, Ambassador of Japan
09:30 Return speech of thanks by Mr. Tetsuro Yamashita, President of JTCA
09:45 Photo Session and Tea break
10:00 "History of Urban Transportation in Yangon City" by U Tun Than Tun, Head of Land Administration and City Planning Department, YCDC
11:10 "Recent Development and Topics of Urban Public Transportation" by Prof. Yoriyasu Sugie, Hiloshima University
12:20 Lunch Time
13:30 "The Study on Development of Public Transportation in Yangon" by Mr. Masazumi Ono, Transportation Planning Engineer, Fukken Co., Ltd.
14:40 Tea Break
15:00 "Situation of Road Safety in Yangon City" by U Aung Myint, Director of Road Transport Administration Department, MRT
16:10 General discussion
16:30 Word of Thanks by U Tun Than Tun, Head of Land Administration and City Planning Department, YCDC
16:40 Close
(3) セミナー出席者
1.4 調査対象地域