日本財団 図書館


ガソリンエンジン排出基準 EPA

Control of Air Pollution For New Gasoline Spark-Ignition Marine Engines (Final Rule 61FR52102, Oct. 4, 1996) 抜粋


A. Outboard, Personal Watercraft, and Jetboat Engines

Outboards and personal watercraft (i.e. Jet Skis, Wave Runners, etc.) are defined in 40 CPR 91.3. For purposes of this rulemaking, jetboats are considered personal watercrafts and are subject to the pollution control requirements outlined here for OB/PWC unless derived from sterndrive and inboard type marinized automotive blocks. The Administrator may designate a jetboat engine to be a sterndrive or inboard type of engine if the engine is comparable in technology and emissions to an inboard or sterndrive engine.


B. Emission Standards

The emission standards finalized today for outboards, personal watercraft, and jetboats require a very large reduction in hydrocarbon emissions on a brake specific basis (i.e., g/kw-hr) with only a slight increase in NOx emissions. The standards vary be rated power and apply to a manufacturers entire fleet. The standards require increasingly stringent HC control over the course of a nine-year phase-in period beginning in model year 1998. By the end of the phase-in, each manufacturer must meet an HC+NOx emission standard on a corporate average basis that represents a 75 percent reduction in HC compared to unregulated levels.




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