日本財団 図書館

Information Sheet 1




Solutions to Pollution for Marinas, Boatsheds and Slipways


What is the Solutions to Pollution booklet?

This environmental information for marinas, boatsheds and slipways is part of the NSW EPA's Solutions to Pollution program. There are similar booklets for other business sectors. The booklets are available through the EPA's Pollution Line (Tel: 131 555).

Much of the information in this booklet was developed with the help of local government and relevant business and industry groups. Hornsby Shire Council, the Marina Association, the Boating Industry Association and the Boat Owners' Association have contributed significantly to this project.

The series provides information to help improve the environmental performance of the business sector. It supports the EPA's direction to promote the widespread adoption of cleaner production in NSW business and industry.


What is cleaner production?

Cleaner production is an overall approach to business management, focusing on:

・reducing the use of energy water and material resources

・minimising waste and pollution

・increasing efficiency and reducing costs.

Cleaner production involves business rethinking its products, processes and services to enable the achievement of sustainable development.


Cleaner production



What's the purpose of this booklet?

。¬o provide environmental information that can be used as a basis for improving the environmental performance of marinas, boatsheds and slipways in NSW.

。¬o increase environmental awareness.


Who is this information for?

Owners and operators of marinas, boatsheds and slipways

Local council environmental officers




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