1) カンボジア保健省長官宛のプロジェクト報告書
PHONE: 81-3-3508-2201/ FAX: 81-3-3508-2204
10 November 2000
Dr. Mam Bunheng
Secretary of State
Ministry of Health
No.151-153 Avenue Kampuchea Krom
Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Project Report for the Control of Schistosomiasis and Helminthiases in Northeast Cambodia.
Dear Dr. Mam Bunheng,
Sasakawa Memorial Health Foundation dispatched Professor Hajime Matsuda, Dr. Hidehiro Otake and Dr. Jun Matsumoto to Cambodia, for the period from 22nd May to 6th June to collaborate with the Ministry of Health, National Malaria Centre (CNM), WHO and the local staff involved in Schistosomiasis Control in Kratie and Stung Treng Provinces. Taking this opportunity, sincere appreciation is expressed to you for your kind arrangements for our field surveys.
We stayed in Stung Treng for 5 days (24-28 May), in Kratie for 3 days (30 May-1 June), in Kampong Cham for 2 day (2-3 June). Sero-epidemiological, malacological and ultrasonographic surveys were carried out along the Mekong River in excellent cooperation with Dr. Muth Sinuon from CNM, Dr. Chuong Seng Ly from Kratie Provincial Health Department, Dr. Teng Poly from Stung Treng Provincial Health Department who joined with us throughout the present survey.
Main equipments donated from the Foundation to MOH in this fiscal year 2000 are:
One generator (Yamaha ET650, 450VA, 220V) and one unit of isolating transformer (520 VA, 120V-240V) for Kratie P.H.D.
One centrifugal apparatus for Stung Treng P.H.D.
1. Sero-epidemiological Surveys
In the present survey carried out in May-June of this year, a total of 527 blood samples were collected by venipuncture from schoolchildren in 7 villages along Mekong River; Preah Rumkal, Koh Sneng, Sdau, Pluk (Stung Treng Province), Kbal Chuor, Kanh Chour (Kratie Province) and Ta Meang (Kampong Cham). The sera were separated by centrifuge machine in the laboratory of each provincial hospital laboratory. Parasite specific antibody (IgG) was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using egg antigen of Schistosoma japonicum according to the method described by Matsuda et al. (1984), in Department of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, Dokkyo University School of Medicine. The optical density (O.D.) value over 0.2 was considered to be antibody positive.