日本財団 図書館

The voices in this book tell of a time when those affected by leprosy were separated from family, friends and community and physically isolated in remote places far removed from society. Fortunately, this time has passed.

There has been a cure for leprosy since 1941 and individuals can be cured within 6-12 months. Families never need to be separated and the disabilities traditionally associated with leprosy need not occur. Unfortunately, the social response to leprosy has not kept pace with the tremendous medical advances, and individuals affected by this disease still face widespread prejudice and discrimination.

IDEA is the first international advocacy organization whose leadership is largely made up of individuals who have personally experienced the challenges of leprosy, also called Hansen's Disease. With more than 20,000 members in 30 countries worldwide, IDEA works as an agent of social change. Individual and collective triumphs over prejudice and deep personal loss work together to defy stereotypes, restore human rights and challenge the historical stigma that has no place in modern society.

IDEA values as its most important resource the inspiring words and dignified images of individuals who have turned a diagnosis of leprosy into a personal challenge and ultimately a personal victory.'

For more information, please contact:

IDEA, PO Box 133, Oak Hill, WV 25901 USA

email: ideausa@inetone,net


Li Mo, Lin Heng and Wu Jiu Jiang participate in an IDEA meeting, Hongwei Village, China. Photo by Pamela Parlapiano





