Differential Diagnosis - less commonly occurring conditions
A check-list for supervisors, programme managers and referral centres
The preceding pictures 1-15 illustrated relatively simple, straightforward, commonly occurring conditions.
The following pictures (16-25) deal with less common conditions, some of which may in fact be rare in your country or area. They are intended mainly as a reminder of the wide group of non-leprosy conditions which may resemble or mimic leprosy.
● All the conditions shown here have been reported as giving rise to a wrong diagnosis of leprosy.
● It is hoped that at least some of the pictures will help you to avoid this mistake, which can have grave consequences for the individual patient and the family. As already noted above, it is important for you to find out which conditions are known to cause confusion in your area.
● As with the list of References and Further Reading, pictures 16-25 of less commonly occurring conditions are included in this NEW ATLAS OF LEPROSY mainly for the benefit of supervisors, teachers/trainers, district hospitals, or referral centres.