From the list of activities, which are vital to the success of the Elimination Strategy, this New Atlas concentrates on -
1. Early, correct diagnosis.
2. Differential diagnosis - i.e. a consideration of numerous other skin diseases which may mimic leprosy and lead to the wrong diagnosis.
3. A detailed description of the blister packs and regimens in use for the treatment of all patients with multidrug therapy (MDT).
The patient above was diagnosed by the health worker in the health centre, and is now receiving his first blister calendar pack (BCP) of drugs for the treatment of multibacillary (MB) leprosy.
Under WHO initiative, leprosy treatment is available for all patients, worldwide, free of charge.
Some leprosy services have used a combination of rifampicin, ofloxacin and minocydine (ROM), given as a one-time, single-dose for the treatment of single skin lesion (SSL) leprosy; see pages MDT (PB)-Adult doses & picture 8 of Reference 2. Rifampicin is an essential component of the regimens for both PB and MB leprosy, as described on the following pages. Ofloxacin and minorydine are other antibiotics with proven action against the leprosy bacillus.