DPS Dynamic Positioning System
1. Outline
There is an increasing need for the dynamic positioning system (DPS) to keep a vessel in the given position and heading to be installed aboard drilling ship and rig, cable layer and other work boats.
From these points of view, Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (MES) has researched and developed DPS for many years, and successfully developed the new type DPS, which accommodates various operation with high accuracy, high reliability and redundancy. Already an unit of this new system is installed aboard a specialized vessel, and fully displaying its remarkable performance features.
2. Hardware Configuration
The new DPS consists of operating desk, control boards and a portable remote control box.
The operating desk is available in two versions, console type and an embedded panel.
The portable remote control box makes possible controlling from either wing of the bridge.
Necessary information is displayed on a color CRT or LCD, and man-machine interface, including the inputting of set datas, is facilitated with an interactive system using (either) a track ball or a touch panel.
3. Functions
(1) Automatic positioning mode;
This mode is used to keep the vessel's position and heading automatically under the external disturbances, current, wind and wave, controlling thrusters and propellers.