日本財団 図書館


Profile of Performers








MATSUOKA Yohei (Violoncello)


A graduate of the diploma course of Toho Gakuen School of Music. After having been playing cello with the Tokyo Solisten for six years, he is currently a member of a contemporary music unit, Musica Practica, and also a member of Sprush Quartet led by Shinozaki Isako. He has also taken up his original instrument 'Baroque Cello'. He is performing with orchestra as well as being a player with the Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra. He studied under Horie Yasushi. Aoki Juro.








CHOMEI Yasuro (Violoncello)


He graduated with the top marks from Toho Gakuen School of Music. After he had been the principal player with Kyushu Symphony Orchestra for two years since 1988, he won the 3rd prize in the Japan music Competition in 1991. In 1996, he had his recital at 'Gifted Artist Series' held by Shinnittetsu Co. While He plays with domestic orchestras as a guest principal player, he has undertaken a number of premieres of Japanese composers works.








TERAI Tsunehiro (Violoncello)


He studied at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music and participated in the Iso Quartet and Tokyo Vivaldi Ensemnle during his postgraduate. At presesnt, he plays with many orchestras including Sapporo Symphony Orchestra, Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra, Gunma Symphony Orchestra. Tokyo Philharmony Orchestra as a guest principal player.






東京理科大学に進学後、モーツァルトを聴いて衝撃を受け、音楽の道へ。19歳からコントラバスを始める。東京芸術大学卒業。日本フィルを経て、1972年新日本フィルの創立に参加。80年から、現在住んでいる神奈川を中心に、室内楽の自主的な活動の場Beautiful Sound Cornerを主宰。68年以来、中国に大きな興味を持ち、中国語を学び、中国との音楽交流にも尽力している。


MOURI Kyozo (Double Bass)


While studying at Tokyo Collage of Science, he was swayed by Mozart and decided to make music his career. He began to play Double bass at the age of nineteen and graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. Mouri participated in the establishment of the New Japan Philharmonic. He organized 'Beautiful Sound Corner' to offer free activity on chamber music in his residence area, Kanagawa in 1980 and has also much contributed to cultural exchange with China since 1968.








YAMADA Emiko (Flute)


A graduate of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. Studied with Yoshida Masao, Kawasaki Masaru, Noguchi Ryou, She won came the 2nd prize in the 45th Japan Music Competition when undergraduate and won the Ataka award. She studied further under Louis Liviere at Wien University of Music. She had been playing with Tokyo City Philharmanic. Currently, a member of Kanagawa Philharmony Orchestra.








NISHIZAWA Yukihiko (Flute)


Graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. From 1978 to 1985, he attended the 'Suigyu Gakudan' led by TAKAHASHI Yuji , developing the unique performance worldwide. In 1980, he took part in Musica Practica and played various contemporary works for ten years including their premiere. Since 1998, he has regularly performed at Opera City Hall with Ensemble Nomade and also he teaches at Ferris University.




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