日本財団 図書館


Fig. 4 Propulsion/Cargo Systems Integrated



Fig 4 is the ultimate solution of the engine room and pump room design possibility. It consists of integrated cargo system ballast system and tubular propulsion system. The reserve propulsion is obtained using two independent energy sources placed in separated engine rooms.

The reserve and operative steering is obtained using the independent tubular propulsion systems arrangements.

The cargo/propulsion integrated system is shown in the Fig. 5 where is:



Fig. 5 Cargo/Propulsion Integrated System Outline Scheme


- S.D steering device,

- C./P P. cargo/ballast/propulsion pump,

- W.I. water inlet.

- C.I. cargo inlet.


The cargo/propulsion system is based on the integration of cargo and ballast pumps in the tubular system for propulsion. The principles of the integration are shown in the Fig. 6



Fig. 6 The Cargo/Propulsion Pumps Outline Scheme




Presented approaches for 50% reserve propulsion and reserve steering obtaining are not the only ones that can be used for design definition. The designs are chosen and presented, not as a solution of certain real technical project, but to show some possible solutions and to initiate some new research directions and possibilities.

From the point of possible realization of the project including the 50% reserve propulsion and reserve steering, to present shipbuilding practice, the most appropriate design probably is one shown in the Fig. 7.

The basic characteristics of the design shown in the Fig 7; from the this paper point of view, are:


- the prime movers energy sources unification

- "stand by" reserve propulsion and reserve steering realized using the cargo pumps application as it is shown in the Fig 6.


Other characteristics not exceed the limits of good and positive shipbuilding and maritime practice, and could be found in some segments of design, in already realized ones.

By stopping on the presented (in Fig 7.) solution, the main goal of this paper would be missed, as well as the opportunity to reach, even overcome, the state of technique limits.

In that course one has chosen to research the ultimate possibilities of the project development limits, and to elucidate the possible project development whether it is acceptable to the present practice or not.





