日本財団 図書館

3.3 DTD of Propeller Data


Fig.5 shows the DTD (Document Type Definition) of the propeller data. The following items have been considered during the designing of the DTD.

・The structure of the DTD has been made as simple as possible according to the grouping described in 3.2. The root element is "prop_edi". The top and second level of the DTD structure is as follows:


・"?" follows the element "general" This means that the element "general" occurs zero or one time.

・"+" follows the element "blade_sec". This means that the element "blade_sec" occurs one or more times because the content of the element "blade_sec" is used repeatedly at each radius ratio.


4 Framework of Experiment


The outline of the experiment to be planned is described in this section. Preparations are currently underway for this experiment.


4.1 XML instance

Fig.6 shows an example of the XML instance. This XML instance is generated by hand, however.


4.2 Receipt of XML data

A description has already been given in 2.3 on how the received data transmitted via the network is utilized. The point is the method by which the XML instance is stored into the database. Fig.7 shows an outline of the framework which we are trying to construct. The following two steps are considered in Fig.7.

First step

The simplest way for EDI to work is to transfer the file of the XML instance according to the following procedure.

1. The XML data is transmitted via the network from the manufacturer to the classification society.

2. The XML instance that has been received is then parsed. To do this, "XML for Java", which can parse the XML data, is incorporated into the program written using Java. This program generates the object tree using DOM (Document Object Model) as an API (Application Programming Interface).



Figure 6 Example of XML instance





