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Fig. 4 The kinds of cross sections for the models (or floating bodies) studied in this paper: (a) rectangular section for Model 1(a) and Model 1(b); (b) Lewis section for Model 2(a) and Model 2(b).


Table 1 The principal particulars for the four models (length L = 0.6 m) with df = 0.004 m and bf = 0.02 m.



* For the immersed part.


3.1 Influence of Oscillating Frequencies ωw on the Coefficients Cv and Cp

For the cases of β = B/d = 0.95 fin length lf = L = 0.6 m and fin angles θf = 300, 600 and 900, the curves of Cv vs. ωw and those of curves of Cp vs. ωw for the Models 2(b) (i.e., the Lewis form with area coefficient σ = 0.785 at draft d = 0.084m, as shown in Fig. 4(b)) obtained from the present experimental method are shown in Fig. 5. Where both Cv and Cp are the sectional added mass coefficients, but the former is obtained from the heave-motion tests and the latter from the pitch-motion tests, while ωw is the oscillating frequency of the floating body with fins.

From Fig. 5, one finds that all the curves for Cv vs. ωw and Cp vs. ωw in the range of ωw = 10〜40 rad/sec, take the form

Cx = Co + C1ωw + C2ωw2 + C3ωw3 + C4ωw4 (12)

where Ci (i = 0〜4) are coefficients of curve fitting and the subscript X = V, P. In other words, either Cv or Cp may be obtained from a polynomial of ωw with the power of four.

For example, the curve of Cv vs. ωw at fin angle θf = 900

as shown in Fig. 5 may be represented by

Cv = 2.17542 - 7.31116ωw2 + 3.80484ωw2 - 8.86969ωw3 + 7.72327ωw4 (13)



Fig. 5 The relationship between the oscillating frequency ωw and the sectional added mass coefficients Cv and Cp at fin angles θf = 300 , 600 and 90 for Model 2(b).





