日本財団 図書館



Comparison of Exhaust Emissions from Internal Combustion Engines by using of Blended Fuels


Masataka HASHIMOTO*, Tomohisa DAN*, Sadahiro AKIBA** and KO Ka*



This report shows the exhaust performance of internal combustion engines , a 4 stroke cycle diesel engine (3 Cyl., 33.1kW/1,500rpm) and a gas turbine (700kW/31,500rpm) , by using of alcohol blended fuels for the purpose of NOx reduction. In near future, the cetane number of heavy fuel oil will become as low as 40, so some countermeasures must be considered for comfortable combustion. Usage of blended fuel is one of the countermeasures.


Key Words : Emissions , Combustion, Nox, bio-fuel




It is necessary to realize the clean environment from global view, and a regulation of exhaust emission from ocean going vessels have been proposed by IMO (International Maritime Organization).

Nox, SOx and Particulate Matters (PM) are the harmful compositions in the exhaust emissions. Most of NOx is the Thermal NOx that is produced at high temperature region in the combustion period. There are many ways to reduce NOx such as the turbo-charging, the emulsified fuel (including water-mixed fuel). But it is difficult to decide the best method.

Moreover it is important to search the probability to use an alternative fuel with decreasing in the amount of the fossil fuel storage. One of the counter objectives is to use the Bio-mass fuels such as the rape-seed oil and the alcohol fuel.

For reducing the exhaust emission of NOx, the maximum combustion temperature must be decreased and the period of heat resident must be shorter. So one of ways to achieve this aspect is to use lower heating value fuels. Generally, the fuels which have lower heating values and lighter molecular weights are expensive. In this paper, we adapted the blended diesel fuel oil that is added with ethyl alcohol as lower heating value fuel. (1,(2




Single pre-combustion type diesel engine (YANMAR 3ESDL) was used as the test engine. The schematic diagram of experimental apparatus is shown in Fig.1.



Fig. 1 Experimental Apparatus (D.E.)


*Kobe University of Mercantile Marine

5-1-1, Fukaeminami-cho, Higisbinada-ku, Kobe, 658-0022, JAPAN

**Yuge National College of Maritime Technology

Yuge-cho, Ehime Pref., JAPAN





