日本財団 図書館

Here, the authors make a proposal shown in Fig.12 to construct a data collection system and data analyzing system to research and support for the ship in service. It goes without saying that economical performance and safety on navigation through the ship's service life are the recent key interests for ship owners, ship operators, shipbuilders and concerned with marine society. [3]




In this paper we described the model of Main Engine on the Steady Condition and Main Engine Faults of the SMSC2000 which has been development for the marine engineering education and research. Main point could be summarized as following:

1) To meet the demand of MERS, the "Filling and Emptying " algorithm used here for modeling the 6L80MC engine under steady condition is well practical and economical.

2) The Main Engine fault simulation for education and research for t is a main content of MERS. The new generation MERS reflects the higher level of technologies such as computer, a computers be going to have the higher and higher thinking ability. It is considered that the level of fault simulation is one of key points for the new generation of MERS.

3) The capacity of MERS should be developed for responding to more kind of ship, more kinds of the engine and more-person tanning at one time.

4) For MERS, it is very important to construct a data collection system regarding performance and fault of actual ships in service.




The Ministry of Transport of China and Shanghai Maritime University founded this research work. In particular, we are grateful to professor Hongzhou Gu in Shanghai Jiaotong University, professor Yulong Zhan, Dr.Yihuai hu and all of members of the SMSC2000 rsearch terms in Shanghai Maritime University; Miss Rong Ma in Kobe University of Mercantile Marine doctor degree, for kindly offering their advice and help in this study.




[1] Gu Hongzhong, 'Marine diesel engine handbook (3)' (in Chinese),National defense industry press, 1979

[2] Hu Yihuai, Wan Biyu, Zhan Yulong, 'Performance failures simulation and informational characters analysis for diesel engine', Transactions of Chinese society for Internal Combustion Engines, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1999

[3] JSRA, 'Study on Advanced Monitoring of Ship' SR233, Ship Research Summary report; No.422, 1999





