日本財団 図書館

To summarize the messages elaborated in this paper the following " 10 commandments" are compiled as listed below:


5. The Most Influencial Factors


- To assure that the fuel specification mentioned in the charter party is identical with that in the most recent OEM manual.

- To insist on ISO 8217: 1996 for all fuel quality aspects.

- To strive for a logistical chain supported by a quality assurance scheme (ISO 9001 ff).

- To make sure that representative samples are drawn and investigated in independent analytical services.

- T o employ chartered surveyors for inspecting the barge and observing the drawing of samples. Not to sign for anything one has not witnessed with one's own eyes.

- Not to use the new stem before analytical results are at hand.

- To keep the new stem apart from previously bunkered fuel. Not to mix fuel stems received at different times and / or different places.

- To make sure that treatment system capacity and effectiveness can cope with the worst fuel quality envisaged.

- To drain settling tanks at least daily.

- To devote own vigilance, competence and qualification to the management of the fuel supply chain for a ship's engine.


6. References



[2] Thompson, R. V. : Quality and Reliability Applied to the Marine Industry, paper 1-1, 5th International Symposium on Marine Engineering. Yokohama 1995

[3] Liddy, J. P., Bunker Fuels - A Global View towards the Year 2000, Paper presented at the 13th International Bunker Conference, Norwegian Shipping Academy, Oslo 1992

[4]-, Technical Information from the Department for Ships in Service: Fuel Oil Quality and Fuel Oil Systems Det Norske Veritas Publication Oslo 1986

[5] Fleischhack, G. C. : Marine Residual Fuels - Black Gold or User's Nightmare ? paper presented at the 2 nd International Colloquium Fuels, TAE Esslingen 1999

[6] Peter. L. J. : Why Things Go Wrong, Guild Publishing, London 1985

[7] Fabriek. W. and Holbrook, P. : Convenient Disposal Ground, paper D05, 21st CIMAC Congress, Interlaken 1995

[8] Liddy, J. P. : BunkerViews : Used Lubes, Letter to the Editor, Bunker News, November 1998, London

[9] Aabo. K. : Fuels for Diesels, paper presented on the CIMAC day Sept 30, 1998, Schiff Maschine Meerestechnik, Hamburg 1998

[10] Coglilll, D. : The Effect on Centrifuge Performance of the Addition of Used Lubricating Oil in Residual Fuel, paper presented at the 20th International Bunker Conference, Oslo 1 999

[11] Fleiscnhack. G. C. and Rulfs. H. : Facts on Fuels, Bominflot Technical Bunker Guide, Hamburg 1997

[12] Marriott, P. B. : Report of the Chief Inspector of Marine Accidents into the Engine Failure and subsequent Grounding of the Motor Tanker "Braer" at Garths Ness, Shetland on 5 January 1993, Southampton 1993

[13] - ; USCG 33 CFR 155.320

[14] Shiode, K., Kijima, T. and Fiskaa, G. : Ignition Properties for Marine Fuels established on the Fuel Ignition Analyser FIA 100/2, paper presented at the 22nd CIMAC Congress, Copenhagen 1998

[15] Shimizu. K., Uehara, J., Hayashi T. : Current Studies on Stability and Combustibility of Marine Fuel Oil, Bulletin of the Marine Engineering Society in Japan, Vol. 28, No. 1 , Tokyo 2000.


7. Acknowledgements


Lacking the statistical evidence needed to quantify the repercussions outlined in this paper the author has confined himself to the experiences of a working life with marine fuel oils as well as to countless discussions with colleagues from the marine industry. Their input cannot be overestimated.

The most comprehensive data bank on marine propulsion problems is currently compiled by the C IMAC Working Group "Users". Aware of this the paper is devoted to this Working Group which should be able to quantify or reject the claims and conclusions outlined above.





