日本財団 図書館

5. Conclusion


In conclusion, authors believe that, when the mixing ratio of LWP into marine fuel oils is low;

1) Liquidized polyethylene and polypropylene affect to the ignition delay of ISO-F-DMA class fuel oil, and its influence is larger on the mixture with polypropylene. Both liquidized waste plastics affect less influence on the maximum pressure and the time to Pmax.

2) Liquidized polyethylene and polypropylene give less affection to the three items of combustion of ISO-F-RME25 class fuel oils.

3) Even when the viscosity of ISO-F-RME25 mixed with liquidized waste plastics is greatly different, the combustion itself runs almost the same range.


6. Acknowledgements


Authors would especially like to extend appreciation to Professor Shinji Moriya, Nihon University, who furnished us the liquidized waste plastics, and also to Mr. Kenichi Oda and Mr. Katsuo Hasegawa, National Research Institute of Fisheries Engineering, who provided us the specific fuel oils with cetane numbers.


7. References


[1] Moriya, S., et al, "Studies of Recycled Fuel for Diesel Engine Extracted from Waste Plastics Disposals", MESJ, No. 59 Symposium (Autumn, 1997), p70

[21] Nishida, O., et al, "Application of Waste Plastic Disposals to Marine Residual Fuel", MESJ, Vol. 35 No. 5 (2000), p302





