日本財団 図書館

As to the types of post-laryngectomy speech, that is, substitute speech, there are two kinds: one is to speak by means of an instrument which provides a substitute sound for speech (the artificial larynx) or an electric voice producing instrument (the electro-larynx); the other is to speak using no instrument (what is called esophageal speech).


If you can speak when and where you like, unaided with any instrument, it will be sure to produce in you courage and self-confidence which make you deny that you are physically handicapped.


If you are an earnest pupil, you will be able to make a simple conversation in a month, and if you practice with assiduity for three months, you will be able to speak fairly fluently, but it will take a year or so for your voice to come to sound natural.


At any rate we think success is yours. It is our greatest pleasure if many of you through this manual succeed in speaking well.





